Colonoscopy Fun!


Senior Member
I'm scheduled, I found out today for my 5 year visit for a colonoscopy. For those who don't know what it entails, it is sticking a probe inside of a flexible tube up your pooper to seek and destroy polyps that may have formed. I had 2 last time, and so they recommended I have another in 5 years. Well, it's been about 6 years.

I hope all goes well, but I asked an interesting question during our class today about the procedure. I asked if the attached camera was a Nikon or Canon. They said a Canon. Ouch! lol

In all seriousness, I hope everyone on here over 50 years old will have one done if they haven't already. It really could save your life. As I said before, I had 2 benign polylps removed over 5 years ago that could have turned into cancer if left there. It's worth the slight uncomfortableness and no pain, but some embarrasment. I just figure the Dr. has seen thousands of a$$holes, so what's one more?

Get 'er done!
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Senior Member
Great advice Chris! I totally agree.




Senior Member
I had one done earlier this year. On the side of the 1 Gal Colon Cleanse bottle it stated " Do not share this Medication with anyone else"... I could not give this away if I tried. The next day when it was time for the procedure the Dr. asked me to sign a consent form to proceed and asked if I wanted to continue. I told him " Hell Yes !! I did not drink a Gallon of Colon Blow and sit on the Commode for 4 hours last night for Nothing !!

As it turns out they did find 3 Polyps that were benign. So in 5 more years I will do it again !!!


Senior Member
Good luck!

Us women have to put up with all sorts of "medical indignities" throughout our lives. As much as I hate them, I go for the ones I need to go for.

Blade Canyon

Senior Member
Once they inject that Propofol into the IV, you have just enough time to feel your face get warm, then you're gone. That was a strange experience.