Best of the D750


Senior Member


Senior Member
Re: Best of the D750!

Railroad Lock 1.jpgSmithfield Ice Cream sc.jpgSmithfield Methodist Door.jpgSuffolk Fall Road.jpg

These are a few of the photos I have submitted lately for the salon my camera club conducts during our monthly meetings.


Senior Member
Avenue of the Giants in the Redwoods of Northern California. Five bracket shots processed in AuroraHDR (-4,-2,0,+2,+4) using D750 bracket function.


Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Re: Best of the D750!

Can you help me understand how a shot like this was setup? When you get ready to shoot how and when do you decide that 12,800 is correct? Thanks!
He hasn't been active since 2015.
You can send him a private message. He might have alerts set-up or if he is still active on flikr, you might try to reach him there.
Re: Best of the D750!

Can you help me understand how a shot like this was setup? When you get ready to shoot how and when do you decide that 12,800 is correct? Thanks!

I have shot a few that high. You use it when that is the only way to get the shot. Don’t want or can’t use flash and it is dark and you need a certain shutter speed to stop action or you don’t have a tripod with you.

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