I hope to refresh this thread a little. Need verification and comments on my observation with Stellarium. I took some screenshots shown below and tried to figure out if the application of camera view on Stellarium matches the live field view without doing it on the field.
First SS (screenshot) shows the moon scene from SL (Stellarium). I assume it's the eye view from my place (if wrong, please point out).
2nd SS shows the camera FOV (field of view) of the moon scene (z8+600mm) - a zoom-in image very close to the live view of the camera.
3rd SS shows the North American Nebula (NAN) view from SL (again, assume bare eye-view)
4th SS shows camera FOV z8+600mm
5th SS shows camera FOV z8+105mm
6th SS shows camera FOV z8+20mm
For z6ii, FOVs with different lenses are all the same as z8, the resolution difference does not affect FOV in SL. From all the observations above, I suspect that from the three lenses I own (add 24-120mm, a zoom lens), the 600mm may not be adequate for imaging DSO (if the NAN counts) due to its narrow field as it can't even cover the whole NAN. Also, it could cause difficulty to point to the scene. The 105mm MC has a wider view field, it can even cover another nearby nebula. I presume for a real 100% image of 105mm, the scene will be much larger than from the FOV and can be useful. The 20mm is too wide to work on DSO imaging. However, certainly, there are better lenses for AP like 200mm, 300mm, and even 400mm. But I don't own either.
I need your verification of my observations with the SL and comments on the lens usage for AP. Thanks