Recent content by jonritter

  1. J

    Replacement question

    I was a D7200 owner with several lenses. Do mostly landscape, urban, dirt road photography. Due to a recent divorce I no longer have the camera or any of my lenses so I'm starting over. I'm thinking about going mirrorless, what would recommend for a replacement? I was considering full frame...
  2. J

    Photo Organization

    Zero Ipad support, LR Cloud program added local storage. I’m guessing anything new they add to LRC will be ported over to LR. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it.
  3. J

    Photo Organization

    I realize that, but I’m also trying to plan ahead. It’s pretty clear Adobe is working on phasing out LRC.
  4. J

    Photo Organization

    Just a quick question. What is everyone using for photo organization? I’ve always used LRC, it’s been good, but lately I’ve been using things outside of Adobe for editing.
  5. J

    Topaz Photo AI2

    Thanks for the replies. Currently have have sharpen and denoise. I have Gigapixel, but. not purchased so it saves with watermark just to see if it was worth it for me. So if I purchase Gigapixel and have all 3 AI will be included or do you have to buy them all at once?
  6. J

    Topaz Photo AI2

    Does this basically do the same thing that denoise, sharpen and Gigapixel do all in one stop?
  7. J

    Topaz Gigapixel

    Has anyone used it? If so how are the results?
  8. J

    Function buttons tips

    What did you guys program your function buttons to do?
  9. J

    Z7 vs z6

    I’m considering jumping over to mirror less and am considering full frame. Is the 45 vs 24 mega pixel a huge jump if I really don’t do prints. I shoot mostly landscape and odd ball things. Currently I have a D7200 which primarily has a Sigma 17-502.8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. J

    Confused, question

    I'm considering moving from my D7200 to a mirrorless, but the lense thing confuses me. Do the S lenses, for example does the 24-70 fit both the Z50 and the Z6?
  11. J

    Lense question

    Will the lenses for my D7200 fit on the Z50?
  12. J

    Another Topaz question

    I've recently started using DeNoise and Sharpen and I'm wondering if there is a way in LRC when a batch completes to flag or identify the original file so I can sort by the old extension or unique indicator so I can easily sort/delete original files?
  13. J

    Topaz Sharpen

    Hello, I took the forums advice and went with Topaz Denoise and I really like it. Now I'm looking at Sharpen, does anyone have experience with this and if so how well does it work? Thanks, Jon
  14. J

    Topaz denoise

    Who uses it and is it worth it?
  15. J

    General practices question

    Does anyone else keep a separate copy of raw images asides from their edits?