hark 2022


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Yesterday I posted in a different thread showing results from my 300mm f/4 PF and Nikon 1.7x TC combo. Here are a couple more from today. When this pair works well, the results can be stellar. I believe this was a very young Robin. It didn't fly away like they normally do. But with the effective reach of 500mm, I didn't need to get overly close.

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Recently when I focus tuned a couple lenses on my D500, this lens struggled to AF. And that issue has been going on for a while. The lens would start to AF but would stop before an image was in focus. I pulled out this lens the other day to retrieve the front UV filter and decided to see if it would work. For whatever reason, it seems to work pretty well ... for now.


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While out searching for a this week's challenge (converging lines), I came across this interesting building. I want to look into its history - if it even has one. These train tracks aren't part of the commuter rail lines although commuter tracks aren't too far behind the building. I'm wondering if this building was ever used as a train station.

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I decided to go back today and capture the building from its corner. 16mm really shows perspective distortion! ;) Keep in mind, the building isn't rectangular and has unusual angles for its walls.

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I like your 16mm angle of this grand old building.

Thanks, Brent. I really like the perspective distortion that wide angle lenses offer. Despite first purchasing the 18-35mm G, I found it didn't always offer quite as wide as I desired although it's a stellar lens. At one point, I was interested in Real Estate photography. !8mm just isn't quite wide enough for some interior shots. So that's why I purchased this 16-35mm. But both lenses are amazing.


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The other day I posted this image for the weekly challenge of Converging Lines.

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Since we are expecting more rain, I didn't think I'd have enough time to find a different subject. But this afternoon there was a short break. So I set out to find a different subject.

After walking on this bridge's walkway, I came across this view. While I liked the composition, I didn't like the handle on the right side of the main pillar.

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So I walked further up the walkway to where the same pattern repeated itself. When I got there, I spotted the view below and knew it would be a much better composition. However, it too wasn't quite right. So I cropped out part of the bottom of this image and wound up with the image I submitted for the weekly challenge.

With this type of challenge, it helps to really observe. When heading to this location, I really had no idea what I'd find although I figured something would present itself. Here is the image before cropping part of the bottom.

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I don't know if any of you have heard of the Pennsbury Prom. Reader's Digest once called it the best Prom in America. Prom is held at the high school. Huge murals adorn the walls only for one night - based on a theme determined by the graduating class a year earlier. It's like walking into a fantasy land. It takes the undergraduates all school year to get the murals designed and painted. There's even a book written about Pnnsbury's Prom titled, Wonderland: A Year in the Life of an American High School.


Anyway ... someone in the community wanted to commemorate a local artist's 30 years (a man who is also a teacher) and donated this duck to the community. The artist who is being honored was commissioned to design the duck. Since the man, Mr. Tony Napoli, is an art teacher at Pennsbury, he decided to base the duck's theme on the number one memory of Pennsbury High Schoolers - the Pennsbury Prom.

Coincidentally a friend reached out to me asking about a nice place to take prom photos - which is a big thing around here. When I asked for suggestions in a local Facebook photography group, this piece of artwork was mentioned. So I headed out this afternoon to take a look. It certainly doesn't disappoint. Apparently a lot of other people had no idea this statue/artwork was created let alone erected. In fact, when I stopped to talk with a business employee taking a break, he said no one at his work even knew why it was installed. There wasn't any fanfare or ribbon cutting. It was just brought in and set in place. His business is located on the back side of the duck so no one at his work even realized it was for Prom.

I posted these images along with a video in a local Facebook group. My guess is the location will be mobbed by Prom attendees this weekend. ;)

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A friend asked me to go on an errand with her, and on our way home, I spotted a small fox in a place I've never photographed. So when I got home, I grabbed my camera and headed back. Unfortunately I didn't see any foxes but saw this woodchuck. It was sitting in the exact same place as the fox earlier and appeared to be eating.

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Senior Member
Oh! They sell Bimbo bread by me! It's pretty common in Hispanic areas, and can also be found in some of the larger supermarket chains around here. The packaging looks almost exactly like Wonder Bread, which probably accounts for their rise in sales when Wonder stopped producing a couple of years ago. It's less expensive than other brands. So...it's a cheap Bimbo :angel:


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Oh! They sell Bimbo bread by me! It's pretty common in Hispanic areas, and can also be found in some of the larger supermarket chains around here. The packaging looks almost exactly like Wonder Bread, which probably accounts for their rise in sales when Wonder stopped producing a couple of years ago. It's less expensive than other brands. So...it's a cheap Bimbo :angel:

Is it any good? I always liked Wonder bread.


Senior Member
In the UK the dictonary meaning of the word Bimbo is - 'an attractive but unintelligent young woman'. Hence the reason I asked as I doubt very much anyone would be allowed to use it nowadays ;)


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In the UK the dictonary meaning of the word Bimbo is - 'an attractive but unintelligent young woman'. Hence the reason I asked as I doubt very much anyone would be allowed to use it nowadays ;)

That's pretty much what I thought the definition would be which is why I was surprised to see a tournament named this way.


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