Wendy's 2014 Project 365


Senior Member
Great looking thread Wendy! Almost all my indoor shots I convert to B&W. Or I photograph in the bathroom. Its the smallest but brightest room in the house.

And don't worry about your work being good enough. We all start somewhere. Keep growing! You will only get better.

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Senior Member
I like those jar shots :) the first one got some very interesting soft shadows. I would remove the tiny glare/white spot I think, with clone tool.

Just a sec, got a link for you.

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Senior Member
Deezey, Changing them to B&W is a great idea. I will work with them and see what a difference it makes. I must confess though I don't have a very good way to make changes in my photos. I really have to get something that will help me with post processing.


Senior Member
Your doing great,never be intimidated by the work of others,you are your own photographer,admire learn or whatever from others but dont let it hold you back

mike, Thanks so much for the support and encouragement. With the 365 project and help form my friends, I will become my own photographer.


Senior Member
This is my newest grandbaby. He was born this afternoon. I am in love with him already.


  • Oliver's Birthday 1-17-2014.jpg
    Oliver's Birthday 1-17-2014.jpg
    55.1 KB · Views: 35


Senior Member
This is a statue that is outside of the Hospital where my grandbaby was born.


  • Children's Statue AF Hospital.jpg
    Children's Statue AF Hospital.jpg
    103.6 KB · Views: 35


Senior Member
Congratulations! He looks like a big boy. And already right handsome, too. I'll bet you're not going to spoil him any, are you? ;)



Senior Member
Congratulations! He looks like a big boy. And already right handsome, too. I'll bet you're not going to spoil him any, are you? ;)

WM, Thanks, I can absolutely guarantee that I will spoil him. He is a big, handsome, baby(8 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches) but he is 2 weeks early. He tried to be born a month ago and so the doctors gave his momma some steroids to help him get bigger before he was born. I guess it worked.

Michael J.

Senior Member
Congratulation to your grand-baby. He is cut already. My kindest regards to his parents, even they don't know me and to his grandparents too.


Senior Member
I tried so many different subjects tonight, but none of them looked good enough. I am intimidated by all of you wonderful photographers. I finally settled on these ceramic jars in a low light situation. I was hoping to get something artistic.

Wendy, do NOT ever feel intimidated... do your thing, do the best you can... Make your work look good to you... Use the photo's of others that you like as a stimulus to grow your own work...

You are doing fine... the important thing is to keep trying and working to improve your work in your eyes!

Pat in NH


Senior Member
And too my last post - why is is a great composition?? Well, because you managed a whole bunch of things!

First, you placed the little guys eye beautifully in one of the magic spots in the golden ratio. The rest of the image also very well fits this ratio:

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 14.23.21.jpg

Next, something called triangle compositions. Its all about doing triangles - 1 big, 5 small, doesn't matter, it depends on the image. Triangle composition can create some very dynamic pictures - which you did:

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 14.28.40.jpg

And last, but not least, the hands of the lady who holds him, leads our eyes towards his face. The lady's face does exactly the same, also even though we don't see her whole face, we see just enough to let us know, she is looking at him:

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 14.29.37.jpg

Imo it does not matter, if you knew about triangle composition or not. This composition appealed to you and now you hopefully know why :)