Moab Man 2015 Photo Collection

Moab Man

Senior Member
Lady Royals High School Softball had a rough night. Last I looked the score was 17-1. Thought this photo was appropriate as the Lady Royal was wearing 13 and the game didn't go well.


Moab Man

Senior Member
A few more kid shots from today. I love the candid shots you can get when photographing children with a long lens so they don't know the camera is on them. Mom and dad were very happy with the above shot, but especially these as it really captures the real child inside.




Moab Man

Senior Member
Disaster... This young man's life I'm sure has just taken an unfortunate turn. Two players were running full charge at each other to get the soccer ball. They did not collide. However, both kids kicked the soccer ball with such force that there was a boom that echoed off of the ball like nothing I have ever heard before. It was that kind of sound that you know something has went wrong. Sure enough immediately after the boom he went down. It appears at this point everything in his knee, all the soft connecting tissue, was completely destroyed and pretty much separated the lower leg from the upper. His knee cap was in his lower leg on the front/side of his shin.

I carry injuries from my sports high school days, but this was so devastating. I'm sure his soccer days, or any other sports, are done. My prayers are with this young man that he will at least be able to regain his mobility without too much walking difficulty.

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Moab Man

Senior Member
A bit of softball tonight. Did some more playing with my 300mm prime. I find it does best on my D600 and the focus is best on continuous when I'm using 9 points. I find using more focus points tends to increase the number of missed focuses due to the focus having its attention caught by some other movement than what I intended. I now need to revisit my D7100 with this lens using 9 points and see if the focus improves there as well. It seemed on my D7100 the focus was always getting pulled by something else when using more than 9 points.

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