first wedding.


Senior Member
was able to do my first wedding last week. took a few days to pp. got some great shots and some bad. got great comments for being my first time. also got some helpfull tips from local photographers on my lighting. otherwise i learned a lot of what to do next time and what not to do.


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Rick M

Senior Member
Did you use an external flash or the built in? A little more flash would have been beneficial on the last shot. I'm finding that the built in one just isn't enough outside.


Senior Member
External flash should have been used no doubt for these particular shots. I think that could have been avoided if you just planned and positioned them a bit better. Your compositions arent good. The first one, aside from being too dark, the bottom of her dress is cut off. Also, that tree trunk in the back is fighting her for the attention. Also, looking at her forearm...she appears VERY tense. The second one, should have been centered and brought up more so none of their feet were cut off as well as the additional lighting. Most important advice, never cut off the feet, toes hands or fingers when doing full portraits. Its ok when getting in tight and for certain "creative" type shots.


Senior Member
i actually lost some front flash due to the bright background. i had to work on some of these photos. it was overcast and bright. thats why i showed the pics. to learn.also, i do notice i had too much sky in the shot. i might have gotten less backlight if i lowered the shot. thanks. yea as for her shot i was more concerened photoshoping her son from the picture. this was a very rushed wedding. being that it was at 5pm and everybody was getting impatient. let me try something and i shal return.


Senior Member
there fixed the tree problem. as for her being tense. she is a letter carrier and the muscles in her arms are that way relaxed. i myself was the tense one. was really nervous and worried.but i did get some satisfying shots for them. i give myself a small pat on the back.


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Snow White
Congratulations on your first wedding shoot! With weddings, your lighting has to be impeccable, inside or outside. Invest in one or two external flashes --I always carry 2 SB900's , 1 SB800, and 1 SB600. when I shoot a wedding or event. Outside, you absolutely have to have fill flash.

Regarding posing and more lighting ideas, I recommend you get a copy of Captured By the Light by David Ziser. It's excellent, especially for photographers just starting out with weddings.

Good luck, and keep that great attitude and enthusiasm! Thanks for sharing your work with us :)


Senior Member
well i did have a flash i just got.a sunpak pz43x. i also just ordered some reflectors, slowly getting equipment for the future.working on getting a second body soon. thanks for all the info. i will leave you with one more shot which was everyones favorite at the wedding.


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Senior Member
Nice creativity with having them pose like that in the last shot. With some fill light,,,you'll be hitting the mark on every shot. Wishing you all the luck in the future !!!!


Senior Member
i like the creativity from the last shot, and it will impress most...but from a technical stand point, aside from fill light...i would have used a larger aperture to blow out some of the background. All in all i think you did OK for your first shot. Honestly, instead of worrying about another body, and reflectors etc, I would be worrying about getting better glass first. especially if you plan to continue down this wedding path.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
i like the creativity from the last shot, and it will impress most...but from a technical stand point, aside from fill light...i would have used a larger aperture to blow out some of the background. All in all i think you did OK for your first shot. Honestly, instead of worrying about another body, and reflectors etc, I would be worrying about getting better glass first. especially if you plan to continue down this wedding path.

I agree with Joe and would add get some flash tutorials and experience BEFORE your next wedding shooting. This will be major upgrade.


Senior Member
what should i look for in the better glass category. feed me the info please! im a person that has always retained info easily and will try and do anything. the wife is backing me on this so if i have to invest i will.

Rick M

Senior Member
Any particular reason you shot these with an exposure bias of + 2/3? The first shot was at F16? Just curious
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Senior Member
if i remember right i was using the speed mode so it came up that. i just got done looking at the rest of the pictures and the f stop was high # while in the shade. the lake scenes were at 5.6.