Toy Boat on Pond Shore


From first roll through my F2...what do you think? Please pick it apart! Modify it alter it whatever!!! How do you make a good picture out of something that is somewhat mundane???



Senior Member
Closer and lower would have given the boat an identity which would give it a story perhaps??

Right now if you didn't post that it was a toy boat I would have never been able to guess.

Did a little cropping and tweaking to give it a little more drama. Not sure if it worked or not. :)


  • Boat1.jpg
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Thanks Ken...I think you did alright...if I remember correctly this pic was shot about the time I was studying composition and the rule of thirds DOF and all of that...I am still

I bet this pic would be much better towards dawn or dusk...a good example of one of those "I probably ought to go try and recreate this and make it better" I think...

Somewhere around here I have a point and shoot shot on this same "beach" of a box turtle laying eggs was one of those in the right place at the right time things...


Senior Member
I think this has potential as a redo.

I like Ken's crop as it pulls you closer to the focal point of the composition. The only real issue I have here is that I can't tell that this is a boat. Perhaps pull it out of the sand and flip it over? Maybe put it closer to the waterline?


This many of my pictures...and many other amateur's sort of an object in the middle of the frame deal...I am so trying hard to get away from that. The crop does make it more interesting. One of the things I am beginning to see from Ken's crop is maybe it would be best to do away with the grass entirely and just have sand and water...two really good color tones - sand and blue. Yeah a lower angle of attack and closer in with a telephoto sounds like a great strategy. Also I think some more "magical" light aka early morning or late evening to accentuate the form of the boat...

Good would make it a more interesting photo. I am going to have to go down to the pond soon and play around I guess!

PS...the shot is taken from the adjacent bank which is considerably higher than where the boat is indeed Ken you are onto something with the is steep...also at this time I was trying to open my lenses real wide...could have stopped down for more DOF and a sharper image I think. Done with 135mm/2.8 and probably fuji 100 superia reala or pro 160s or h...

Photography sure is a convoluted endeavor when one tries to be serious about it...
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AxeMan - Rick S.

Senior Member
This many of my pictures...and many other amateur's sort of an object in the middle of the frame deal...I am so trying hard to get away from that.

Are you aware of the rule of thirds? Rules are made to be broken not every shot has to be this way. Less than a year ago I was shooting everything in the center. I started using the rule of thirds and my photos have taken on a new look.

Here's one of many links on the Web Rule of Thirds in Photography

Google "Rule of thirds" for more.


Senior Member
I would try to stage the picture to be taken at just above water level and closer in to the boat with the boat upright and partially drug out of the water in the lower right hand corner ---- and then have some bare legs or footprints barely visible (bokeh) and call it Gulliver's beach.


New member
I thought just bringing out the color of the sand and the water a bit more along with the crop for the rule of thirds helped and I really like this image. I feel like it tells a story. Makes me wonder what happened to the little child who use to play with that boat?

Boat copy.jpg


Snow White
I think the biggest issue is that you can't tell it's a toy boat. If this is something you plan to redo, you might add a little more interest like putting in footprints (if it's sand on the shore), or making it look more like a boat by putting a sail on it. But then you'll still need some perspective (like a shoe).


Senior Member
I figured I'd give it a whirl...

I agree with ohk, I think the biggest problem is you cannot make out what it is. I always like toying with photos, so here is my take. I really liked the mid contrast in this photo.



Thanks everyone for responding!

The toy boat is something we picked up at the flea market for a few is a rather crude construction but it does float and my son has probably played with it more than his radio controlled 250 dollar job believe or not...that boat needs batteries! :)

The pic in question was made last year...the toy boat was left down at the will be interesting to see if it is still there! haha

I'm going to shoot this weekend for sure and I think this is one thing I am going to reshoot...this time I have a better idea of how to approach the subject so to make it something more than a run of the mill snapshot instead of just snapping away and winging it...thanks to your comments.

I know one thing I bet the water level is much higher now than it was then...hahaha

Stay tuned!