Land of The Hobbits


Senior Member
Hello folks.

I'm new to this forum and even newer to DSLR with the arrival of my D5100 as recently as yesterday.

Man have things changed since SLR film? Its a whole new learning curve, that's for sure, with the cockpit of my D5100 having more gadgets, buttons and controls than a Boeing 747.

It looks like this is going to be a real fun trip and I am glad I found this forum.

Do you want to see beautiful landscapes of New Zealand? Quickest way is to do a few searches on the web but if you're not in too much of a hurry ….
watch this space.

In the meanwhile I am trying to find how to put D5100 in the "My Camera" section of the profile.

<======= On the left here somewhere like all the old hands have.



Staff member
Super Mod
In the meanwhile I am trying to find how to put D5100 in the "My Camera" section of the profile.

<======= On the left here somewhere like all the old hands have.



Go to your
View Profile, click on the About Me tab, you'll see Camera half way down the page.


Senior Member
G'day from across the ditch - may I suggest a David Busch guide book for your new camera - they're very good (in my opinion) good luck with "the learning curve" have fun,

P.S. sorry about your America's cup loss ... but then again you were beaten by a better team - Australians sailing an American boat :D


Senior Member
Thanks for the link oldsalt - I'll check it out.

However ……

as for the America's Cup. A painful subject despite it only being an inter-club event with Team USA (San Francisco Yachting Club) racing on a boat made with the help of a New Zealand team of boatbuilders based in Warkworth, an Aussie skipper and a crew of 10 other of which only one was an America, 1 a Pom and the rest either Australian or Kiwi.

my opinion is the may as well bring the race down this end of the world and race across the Tasman.

Oh well we move on to Rugby for the next few weeks ====> Go the Springboks.

As for photography. Even the manual has me scratching my head. :confused:


Senior Member
Welcome to Nikonites, Lawrence (can we call you Larry? :) ) Hope you enjoy it here, and don't worry about the learning curve. You're not going to learn it all in a weekend. Be patient, and good things will happen. :)


Senior Member
Thanks Jack (I almost said Hi Jack but in the world in which we live in that is no longer a good combination)

I hate being called Larry - but in truth I have been called worse and besides right now it would remind me of Larry Ellison who owns the syndicate that beat Team New Zealand in the America's Cup. So that is a definite "NO". :disgust:

Now you tell me I won't be an expert by Monday - the salesman said I would be. Incidentally he told me it was also his last day at that shop so I guess there is no recourse and i shall have to persevere.

Hey you're not on the judging panel for the Tee-shirt logo design are? I really want to win that lens - can you help? ;) (Then you can call me Larry)
Thanks Don I have watched the first and gone through the tutorials and at this stage my problems are much more basic than that. :mad:

​I'll get there but apparently not by Monday!!

OK, we can give you till Tuesday to get it all down. Then we expect to see some great pictures posted here.

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.



Staff member
Super Mod
Just go out and shoot something. Post it, let us rip it apart and you'll figure it out as you move along.