Are you a photographer or a picture taker?


Senior Member
I am a picture taker first. To those who want a copy I am a photographer.:cheerful: But to my family a busybody who embarrasses every one with shots at the wrong time.


Senior Member
Picture taker most of the time,or all the time,dont care so long as ime happy.

I think this fits me... I want to get to be a better photographer but not at the expense of having fun with it. I am also a bit like @aroy "a busybody who embarrasses every one with shots at the wrong time." But that too is part of the fun.


Florida Jim

New member
I aspire to be a photographer But like Ken Van Sickle said, I can't seem to reliably produce great photo's. So I guess I just a frustrated picture taker


Senior Member
I just want to get the shot I want and how I want it, and most of all have fun doing it! I don't personally expect anything other than that, and I am fine with it!lol :)
But rather anybody thinks it fits me and my work or not, I also get a kick out of thinking of myself as a photographer and I plan to continue to even say so out loud when I feel like it!:D


Senior Member
I've never thought about this until now. (Haven't watch the video as I'm at work)

I suppose I'd be a picture taker. I wouldn't consider myself a photographer, as I don't set up my shots, or plan them. I'll make a decision to go somewhere with the idea of getting some pictures, but I've never got to the point I will plan and pose my subjects and such to get the right shot.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I like a lot of what Mr. Van Sickle has to say, if not necessarily every word. I think what separates a Photograph from a snapshot... Is Intent. Sometimes I get a photo that successfully communicates exactly what I want, sometimes it doesn't; but both are still Photographs in my mind.

While I may not be able to produce "great photos" on the regular I never stop trying, and THAT, in my humble opinion, makes me, or anyone else, a Photographer.
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Senior Member
At the hort department, I photograph plants, flowers, and bugs for our database. The rest of the time, I just wander about taking pictures.


Senior Member
I've promoted a few pictures to proper photographs based on reaction from friends and co-workers.
I'm probably my own worst critic. My standards are really high. I don't really think the majority of my pictures are worthy of being called "photographs".
I'm working on that.


Senior Member
Well, if a "photographer" does not "take pictures", then i am lost. "Photographer" is a word that comes from Greek words, which translate to English as meaning "drawing with light". So, if you are taking pictures (drawing with light), then you are a photographer. If you are a photographer, you are obviously "drawing with light" or taking pictures. It's nonsense to try and redefine a word, all in the name of attempting to separate yourself from the masses. I am a "photographer". But what separates me from someone like Kevin Mullins, is not a word or a term. Semantics and utter nonsense.


Senior Member
A photograph is a photograph. I'd say anyone behind the camera is a photographer, be it a camera phone, p&s, dslr or whatever. Some are good, some are very good, some are truly awful, but they are the photographer that is responsible for the photo, whatever the level. There's no need for snobbery or trying to differentiate ourselves into hierarchical pigeon holes.


Senior Member
A photographer takes pictures....with a camera. Painters paint. Sculptors sculpt. It's kinda cut and dry. Now where was that easy button???

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