Are you a photographer or a picture taker?


Senior Member
I'm a photographer. Those of you who say you are picture takers are selling yourself short. Do you think about composition, exposure, and light? Of course you do, or you wouldn't be on this forum.


Senior Member
When I posted this, my intent was not to start a debate of semantics or other things, but to encourage introspection and thought about the craft after watching his video. Hopefully, if you watched the video, it was worth it and my intentions are partially realized.

I've also enjoyed the responses received that I didn't anticipate when I posted this thread. Thanks.



Senior Member
Regardless of what it is... pick anything... you can find someone that will be glad to tell you how if you do not do it his or her way you are some how less than they are. I am glad this guys is 84 and I am glad he lives in a rent controlled building in New York and could only afford to take one picture a night. I am also glad that he got to live his dream as a paid photographer. That does not make him better... it makes him different. It makes him very fortunate.

When I was growing up my Dad taught me that the true sign of your character is how you spoke to or about someone that had no power over you, and that stuck with me. Kindness is free. I was impressed with the photos that they showed of his... not to impressed of how he spoke about others that were trying to do what he did... Even if the medium is different.

I like taking photos. I like doing it the best that I can. I am here to learn from a group of people that truly are willing to share what they know... And I like it because because I do not see a lot of people talking down to one another... and that is rare. Even neater... there are so many that are defending what we do. Very cool. I made a good choice signing up here.


Senior Member
Well, if a "photographer" does not "take pictures", then i am lost. "Photographer" is a word that comes from Greek words, which translate to English as meaning "drawing with light". So, if you are taking pictures (drawing with light), then you are a photographer. If you are a photographer, you are obviously "drawing with light" or taking pictures. It's nonsense to try and redefine a word, all in the name of attempting to separate yourself from the masses. I am a "photographer". But what separates me from someone like Kevin Mullins, is not a word or a term. Semantics and utter nonsense.
I find myself agreeing with you on this one.


Senior Member
I'm in the market for for a new DSLR, I want to return a DSLR. I have owned a variety of cameras over the years both film and digital, love capturing images. I like to pretend I'm a photographer, I shoot for the fun of it.


Senior Member
I don't listen to anyone's philosophy of the Universe ,world or photography. That is not to say that I don't listen and try to learn from others, just not when it comes to philosophy or ideology.

What he thinks of what makes a photographer, is of no consequence nor concern to me. Having said that, he does take very nice pictures.:encouragement:
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Senior Member
I aspire to be a photographer But like Ken Van Sickle said, I can't seem to reliably produce great photo's. So I guess I just a frustrated picture taker

Even Ansel Adam's had his disappointments... One of his quotes indicated that he got about 12 good shots in a year.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Visit the PPA website and look at their suggested reading list (CPP Exam Overview and Resources | PPA) for their certification process in addition to taking every other opportunity you can to learn about your equipment and art, not just photography. (A lot of great photographers have/had degrees in the arts.)


TL Robinson

Senior Member
Both.... :)

If I'm doing events (dance/musical theater, bands, senior photos) then I'm a photographer. If I'm waking up on Christmas morning and snapping pictures of my family opening presents, hair sticking every which way, I'm a picture taker.

Sometimes I go on trips to be a photographer and I end up just taking pictures. Sometimes I go on trips to just take pictures and end up being a photographer.

I have cameras, I shoot. :) I rarely if ever leave the house without a camera and at least one lens....

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I started out as a Fisher Price Toy Camera Pretender, then I became a Poloroid Puller, then I graduated to be a Film Exposurist, then I transitioned to a 3 Megapixel Digital Snap-Shooter, then I became a Novice Photography Wannabe, and now I am an Amateur Photographer.

I think the use of Picture Taker vs. Photographer for the feature story is just a means to discuss art. I don't take is seriously, and I don't call anybody on this forum a "picture taker". Everybody here is a photographer of some degree. Novice, experienced amateur, seasoned-pro, etc.

I guess if all you are doing is selfies for Face-book then you are a picture-taker. I dunno. I draw stick-figures, but I don't call myself an artist when I do.

This is not a topic that will keep me up at night. I sure miss my Fisher Price toy camera. I played with it until the color wheel peeled and it didn't work well any longer, and then I asked for another one. I wonder if it is still at the house.