Blacktop's Big Colorado Vacation. (Image heavy)


Senior Member
I'm posting shots in here as I finish processing a set of different things. As I just got home a few hours ago from a long assed drive, there won't be much today, but will continue posting tomorrow.

All landscape shots were taken with the D750 and the 24-120mm f/4 lens. No tripod was used due to very high windy conditions. I had to pretty much brace myself against trees, walls and anything else that I could find. Plus with the thin air at these high altitudes ,I was having enough trouble breathing , let alone messing with a tripod.

Although I did take multiple exposures on some shots, there are no HDR images posted here. If I do decide to make a few HDR images I'll be posting them in the HDR section.
There are however a few pano shots. Those are the ones without EXIF data.

I hope you guys enjoy looking at these shots as much as I enjoyed taking them.:encouragement:
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Senior Member
Let's start off my Colorado vacation in Medicine Bow Wyoming.:confused:

Medicine Bow, WY-.jpg

Medicine Bow, WY--3.jpg

Medicine Bow, WY--4.jpg
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Senior Member
Thats a dandy Bull

Oh yes. He had like 10-12 females in the harem. You gotta be tough to gather that many lovers.:)

On a side note, the shooting was tough. It was either direct sunlight with lots of shadows to think about, or they were in the woods . High ISO was the order of the day to get any kind of decent shutter speed.

The four days we were the there was hardly a cloud in the sky to block out the sun. (I guess it's better then rain )


Senior Member
Looks like it was a nice trip. Looking forward to seeing more of that big cache of photos. I have been to Colorado for work but never been able to sightsee.


Senior Member
That looks like big fun and at the right time of the year too.

Only trouble with the R.M. Nat'l Park is that there's no air up there. Wheeze !