Monkey vs Copyright Issue


Senior Member
You've probably seen the photo (monkey hijacks photographer's camera and snaps a photo of himself), but you may not realize that there was actual discussion as to who holds the copyright: the monkey or the photographer.

Can Monkeys Own Rights to Photos?

roflmaocgu! How much more ridiculous can we get? lol Monkeys owning rights to photographs. Yeah,right! Like the monkey even knows what his/her rights are! LOL Gawd this planet cracks me up sometimes. :)


Snow White
LOL, Jack. It's so typical for lawyers to make a statement about this.

BTW, I think the monkey did a damn good job on his self-portrait . . . it's at least as good if not better than some of the crap that's put out by some photographers who just like to hear the shutter click (like the monkey!)

I especially like the last line: "Monkeys aren’t “natural persons” and therefore cannot own the copyright to works of art they create."


Senior Member
Who wants to bet that some lawyer steps forward and tries to represent the interests of the monkey?
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Snow White
OK, I give up. "What's brown and hangs from the neck of a lawyer?"

A pit bull.

Only joke I remember from a legal seminar, and told by a lawyer. (I think it might have have been "brown and white" )