Your Best D5100 Photos


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This isn't one of my best D5100 photos, but as photographers, we've all had those moments where we see something captivating that somehow defies a decent photograph. This is one of those examples.

When I awoke this morning, I was attracted by the filtered light in the dining room, with it's 'Old World' look. It was pleasant to behold, but just about impossible to capture. I settled for this, but it hardly illustrates the image I'd hoped for. However, I'm happy to have noticed the light. Photography makes us more aware of our surroundings, which is a dividend that serves to make life more interesting.

2014-08-17 Wooden Apples - for upload.jpg
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Senior Member
Tried another image this morning in different light which I like much better. Having come from 35mm film photography about three years ago, I'm in love with digital photography's allowance for liberal experimentation. My wife remarked that I'd have never taken shots like these on Kodachrome because of the expense.

2014-08-24 Apples In Dining Room 1 - for upload.jpg