Wendy's 2014 Project 365


Senior Member
I got to work this morning before the sun came up. Over night there was a freezing fog. The playground was a winter wonderland. I got a few shots of the frost before it melted.


  • Frozen Fog on the Tree.jpg
    Frozen Fog on the Tree.jpg
    68 KB · Views: 33


Senior Member
I found these snow crystals under a tree this morning. I really like their shapes.


  • Morning Crystals.jpg
    Morning Crystals.jpg
    112.2 KB · Views: 33


Senior Member
Roy, the shadow is a grove of trees. The Rocky Mountain shot was taken before the sun came up, there was a lot of shadow that time of morning.

Moab Man

Senior Member
wendy its above the skyline at the grove of trees, its moving with the pictures so its nothing on my screen.

Here is a close up picture. It's Farmington Peak Radar Station. I use to work with these radars when I was in the military and for the safety of the Salt Lake Olympic Games. Or they could be alien landing craft here to ski. Either one is possible.
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Senior Member
Your wrong Moab man, she captured the sqasquatch in the Rockies and Roy saw it too :)

Seriously though very nice mountain shot with those lit up clouds. I love the mountains and wish I had some in my view