Weekly Challenge Sept. 21 - Sept 28: "Walk a mile in my shoes. . ."

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Snow White
"Walk a mile in my shoes . . ."
Weekly Challenge: Sept. 21 - Sept 28


Johnathan Aulabaugh was selected the winner of the "Birds" Weekly Challenge and issued the following:.

Your challenge for the Week of Sept. 21 - Sept. 28 is "Walk a mile in my shoes" creative-
Using a pair of shoes with someone in or out of them, show case what it takes to walk a mile in your shoes.
Judged 50/50 for technique and creativity.

Be sure to visit the Weekly Challenge Rules & Guidelines for more information. This thread will be closed on Sept. 28 (midnight EDT)...so get those photos in!

The Rules

  1. Photos must be posted to the thread in order to be considered for the challenge.
  2. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread and taken by you! Because not all EXIF data can be verified, we will use the honor system here.
  3. Challenges will be judged solely by the winner of the previous week. There will be no individual voting.
  4. Only one photo entry per member, for each challenge.

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Challenge, unless specifically noted by the site administrator. This is a member-run contest, and the purpose of the Weekly Challenge is to encourage member participation on the forums and to keep you taking pictures!

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited/straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.


Senior Member
this will be some what easy for me. i just have to decide what mile of my route im going to shoot. Hmmmm, i will walk it today and see.

Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
hahaha yeah I know. But, I put the hood on to the keep the rest out of the dirt and even went so far as to take the hood off while it was still pointed down to keep any dust from getting near the lens itself. Once the idea hit me I had to do it. the lens was actually in a better position than my binoculars. everything worked out ok though.


Senior Member
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

I just reached my 18 yr mark on Sept. 3rd. i go through approx. 3 pairs of shoes every year. walk on the avg. of 8 miles daily, not including 1000 to 2000 stair steps. Add a sachel on your shoulder with a starting weight of 15lbs to 35lbs. with another 6lbs in your arm. I have sprained my ankles at least 3 times each. fallen on ice many times.
But the truth was qouted by one of my co-workers this morning" I love the people on my route and look out for their welfare. I keep an eye on the elderly and keep an eye out for strange people in the area, Help look for lost dogs, keep an eye on kids I see walking home from school to make sure they are safe at least while in my view. We actually go above and beyond our expected duties quite often. But we love it." and thats how we all feel!!


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Johnathan Aulabaugh

Senior Member
was going to get more creative but woke up to rain. i did this as fast as i could between raindrops.
Rain often kills my idea of getting out for a shot at something here.

Dont forget the challenge ends tomorrow at midnight I believe so there is still plenty of time for people to get out and shoot something if they wish to enter.

Mis Adam

Senior Member
This picture says more than words could ever say. Thanks for sharing!
Your welcome, its hard being the spouse but its even harder being the one that fills the boots, not just his, but all the men and wemon that do put these boots on!
I thank them every day!
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