Weekly Challenge June 8-15: Flowers...with a Twist

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Senior Member
B&W 1.jpg

Flowers...with a Twist
Weekly Challenge June 8-15

cmsouvign2 won the Heritage weekly challenge, and will be judging these entries.

We all have taken pictures of flowers. Their color is beautiful and each flower has a personality, a sharp color, and are great subjects to photograph. However, for this week's challenge, I would like to add a twist... I want to see them in black and white.

So get out there and show me unique flowers, ordinary flowers, and exotic flowers. I want to see them all, but they CAN NOT be in color. Color photos will not be taken into consideration for this challenge.

Have fun everyone and I hope to see a lot of flowers this week!

Be sure to visit the Weekly Challenge Rules & Guidelines for more information. This thread will be closed on June 15th...so get those photos in!

The Rules

  1. Photos must be posted to the thread in order to be considered for the challenge.
  2. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread and taken by you! Because not all EXIF data can be verified, we will use the honor system here.
  3. Challenges will be judged solely by the winner of the previous week. There will be no individual voting.
  4. Only one photo entry per member, for each challenge.

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Challenge, unless specifically noted by the site administrator. This is a member-run contest, and the purpose of the Weekly Challenge is to encourage member participation on the forums and to keep you taking pictures!

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited/straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.


Senior Member
Re: Weekly Challenge June 8-15:

This is a great challenge! I will add that you should keep the full tonal range in mind when "tweaking" your photo during the B&W conversion. In other words, in order to get the most out of your image, it should contain 100% black and 100% white and run the full spectrum of tones in between. Doing a straight B&W conversion will leave your photo looking dull and flat.

Here's an illustration. This image (not for the challenge) is just a straight conversion. Notice how flat and lifeless it is compared to the one below where there is much more contrast.


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Senior Member

Camera: Nikon D300s
Lens: Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 (shot @ 130mm)
ISO 200
Shutter: Flash sync speed @ 1/250
5 bracketed shots (f/13-f/18)

1) AlienBees B800 - full power - Paul Buff 30x60 softbox - camera left
2) AlienBeesB800 - 1/4 power - Paul Buff 30x60 softbox - camera right
3) Remote triggered via PocketWizards

This is a 5 shot HDR image that was tonemapped in Photomatix and then converted to B&W in Lightroom. First attempt at doing HDR w/ studio lighting.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Well, most of mine are wild and this is what I came up with. Will the twist be enough? :)

BW flower.jpg

Oops, forgot the Exif:
D700, Sigma 105 f:2.8 macro, iso 800, 1/60 f:10.
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Senior Member
well i was going to run around and shoot a bunch of flowers. went next door to the neighbors and shot a few of her flowers and i decided i really liked this one.


  • DSC_3297_01.JPG
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Sgt Preston

Senior Member
With a D7000 this is too easy set monochrome and shoot, so for a twist i applied a negative lens to the final pic.

Exif 1/640, F6.3 , mode A , ISO 100, focal length 35mm/lens 35/1.8


  • negative flower.JPG
    negative flower.JPG
    105 KB · Views: 431
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New member
The Bloom Is Off the Rose.jpg
We've had a spate of dry weather and everything looks dead, dead, dead. I decided to work with it rather than against it.

Carolina Photo Guy

Senior Member

I have already posted. How-ever, sometimes you have to be battered about the head and shoulders before you get the point.
I think I got the point.


"Mums The Word" in Black and White.

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