Unique features of D700


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What are the unique features of D700? Is it user-friendly?


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no it's not user friendly, it's meant for people who have experience in photography as well as experience using nikon dslrs. But if you have are rather good at absorbing knowledge then you can just read the instructions


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no it's not user friendly, it's meant for people who have experience in photography as well as experience using nikon dslrs.

I'd add that comment is also true for the D300. For me, attending a Nikonians sponsored Mastering Your D300 seminar was invaluable when upgrading from a D70s a couple years ago.


Senior Member
I've owned my D700 since they were first introduced and am still discovering features of the camera that I hadn't previously used (or needed for that matter). What I'm trying to say is that you can grab the camera and start using it immediately (Eltari mentions above that previous Nikon DSLR experience is a plus - I agree whole-heartedly) and then as your skill and your needs grow the camera is certainly meet your future challenges. It's the best camera I have owned to date and would highly recommend it if you are considering the purchase.


Senior Member
The most unique feature that I found on the D700 (when compared to my D300) is that the cyclic rate does NOT slow when shooting in RAW 14-bit. On my D300, with the MB-D10 attached, the cyclic rate (fps) is 8 fps in 12-bit, but slows considerably in 14-bit. The D700 maintains its top speed of 8 fps (with MB-D10) regardless of bit depth.

I find the D700 easy to use, but coming from the D300 (D2H & D1H before that), the menus and functions are very much the same, so there was no learning curve involved.


Senior Member
I find the D700 easy to use, but coming from the D300 (D2H & D1H before that), the menus and functions are very much the same, so there was no learning curve involved.[/QUOTE]

This was true for me, too. They are busy, complicated cameras, but I love mine.....