Tony Northrup video: 20 Things Most Photographers Get Wrong


Senior Member
Sorry if this was previously posted. It's an interesting video about certain misunderstood aspects of photography. I was only able to watch the first 7 points. It's a LOOONG 45 minute video. Thought some of you would enjoy it. I found the info about the Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 focus breathing very interesting. I respect his opinion and I like his approach when addressing things about photography.


Senior Member
I like Tony and Chelsea, and this was a pretty good video. Tony does tend to grab certain issues and go a little overboard. His whole issue with equivalent focal lengths vs aperture in crop vs full frame is a good example. Still, this is a good video.

I especially like the way he explains depth of field and how it is a measure of how the human eye percieves what is in or out of focus, and that it varies a lot by print size, cropping, and the media used. People tend to think that depth of died is depth of field regardless of any other factor.

If you haven't investigated the difference between f-stop and t-stop, make sure to listen to that part of the video. It can make a difference in the equipment you might wind up choosing to use.

Also Tony, who is a tech maniac, none the less points out, lastly and most importantly, that the equipment isn't nearly as important as the photographer. I think we all need that reminder once we start getting envious of the latest, greatest lens or camera body. :)