Time Change


Senior Member
I made a deal with my wife. I change the time on all the computers and cellphones in the house and she does the oven, microwave, wallclocks, etc. ;)


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Super Mod
It's time to spring forward again if you have to and don't forget your camera(s).

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Did the switch when I got up this morning and whatever "time" we're on now, it feels to me like we're back to normal. I despise this whole springing/falling thing frankly...


Senior Member
Years ago, an old Ozarks Gentleman, when asked what time it was, would reply sarcastically, " Do ya want the Old time, or the New time"?

He never changed the time on his pocket watch. I don't blame him. He is missed.


Senior Member
my wife asks me to change all the clocks except the microwave and stove....that means I got to change the tune on the couckoo clock. Totally messed her mind up. lol


Senior Member
i did, i hate this change for about a week, getting up at 3:15am means its 2:15am for a few days till i get used to it, love the longer nights though, more time for shooting pictures


Senior Member
spring forward? Hard enough to walk forward. Hate this time change junk, they should make all the clocks smart enough to change themselves like my cameras.


Senior Member
damm, i thought we were to spring forward not back. _DSC4153.jpg
working on shots from yesterday and found this when i looked outside.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I am so glad that life remains the same for me. NO....., did I say NO Daylight savings time for me. In my area, we have learned that we can get up earlier if we want, and we don't have to change our clocks. :encouragement: