The weather where you are


Senior Member
Well my Christmas photography is on hold at the moment,we have wind and rain for the rest of the week with the possible exception of boxing day,shouldnt complain too much as the storm we have at the moment was an ice storm when it left Canada,hope you guys get better weather.

Scott Murray

Senior Member

Courier pigeon got eaten :-( now sent via Kookaburra.


Senior Member
Michael you are funny LOL

Mikew we Canadians are well known to be very polite and so we're just sharing some of our lovely weather :)

I have about 20+ inches of snow with a shiny clear coat of ice on top. Looks like we're in for another 10cms late Christmas Eve and some more flakes on Christmas Day so there is no doubt we will have a white Christmas


Senior Member
no white xmas here this year. Day time high mid 30's night lows mid 20's. Weather pattern stable for the rest of the week.


Senior Member
Well my Christmas photography is on hold at the moment,we have wind and rain for the rest of the week with the possible exception of boxing day,shouldnt complain too much as the storm we have at the moment was an ice storm when it left Canada,hope you guys get better weather.
Reckon the weathers probably about the same for me too :) Did get out on the foreshore last couple of mornings but the sunrise clouded over just as it was getting going :(


Senior Member
Fine and sunny here in central Queensland. 22 to 31 C.
We were hoping for a bit of rain for Christmas, but its not going to happen. Oh well, maybe some for New Year. :drunk:


Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry guys, yesterday was sunny and in the low 80's. Forecast today is rainy and 80's, but that's what was predicted yesterday also.


Senior Member
There is a bit of blue sky here in Cheshire now but it won't last long. A few birds have ventured out to the bird table to stock up before the rain returns.
Its getting windier as well but both the North and the South UK seem to have it worse than the middle.