

Senior Member
DSC_5825Sami Ann 54.jpgDSC_5681Sami Ann 1.jpgDSC_5857samiann87.jpg

Moab Man

Senior Member
Daytime shot: neutral density filter should have been used in combination with a flash or a high speed/hypersinc flash. Photos feel off-balance and awkward. Desperately needing some cropping.

Nighttime shot: Just scratching my head on what's going on and why the cutting off of the feet.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Technically speaking all three shots have exposure issues. Color and contrast on all three needs attention as well in my opinion.

Aesthetically speaking shooting up on a female model like you have in your first shot is rarely flattering. Her foreground leg is locked and there's a strong, crooked horizon line that's throwing the whole shot off kilter for me. Shot two is really "hot" from flash and the curvature of her back looks unnatural. Her one leg looks locked as does her arm. In both shots one and two, you've cropped your model somewhat awkwardly mid-leg. Shot three is the best of the lot. Problems with exposure and color remain, her arms are both locked, the rear foot should have been tucked in and out of the frame, and there's a rock or something jutting out of her right knee but the composition here is better.
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Staff member
Super Mod
....and there's a rock or something jutting out of her right knee but the composition here is better.

Lol! Are you talking about her toes? I believe that is from her right foot. Got a chuckle out of that comment! ;) Good critique overall though, and I agree cropping on the legs is awkward. Sometimes it is better to crop at a joint.