Sucks to be getting old.

For those who know who I am you might remember the torn rotator cuff, the broken leg the end of last year and the hand surgery last month. All keeping me from shooting as much as I would like. During all that time I have also had problem with swollen hands and feet and still joints in both hands and feet. I GP and orthopedic docs both dismissed it as arthritis and not much more they could do other then the drugs I was already taking. I finally had enough and went to a Rheumatologist this week and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. Hopefully he will be able to get me on the proper meds to control this and get me back out shooting like I was.

Post not for sympathy just to let people know one reason I have not been as active as I was. Hands hurt to type to much.

Tom Grove

Senior Member
Sorry to hear that Don... It sucks when age and the complications that go with it begin to interfere with the things we love to do!


Senior Member
Sorry to hear this Don. If you are having trouble typing, you may want to look into some of those gadgets that will type as you speak.
I can't think of the name offhand now.


Senior Member
Hope you get some relief, Don. I use diclofenac to control my joint pain and it seems to give a moderate amount of relief but I would prefer to by-pass this whole aging bag. It is quite annoying.


Staff member
Super Mod
So sorry to hear this, Don. You might want to see if either Voltaren (prescription ointment/cream) or Arnica (over the counter cream) help. Both are supposed to work well for pain and both are applied topically rather than orally. For speech to text software, Dragon Naturally Speaking is also pretty good.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Oh what a bummer Don. Life is indeed tough. I hope the meds will make it bearable for you and that it won't keep you from the activities that you love doing.


Senior Member
I would like to say I know how you feel but unfortunately your probably older than me and are experiencing more issues. I'm 45 and went last week to a specialist about my knees. Boy are they sore. I'm a residential contractor and the doc said I have early signs of arthritis. Really! Arthritis at 45. Holy crap what condition will I be in another 20 yrs? So in a way, yes I feel old too. Don I hope in some way you overcome your ailments because it sure sucks to have something slowing you down when you know there's so much life left in you.


Senior Member
You mean I was suppose to stop my childhood? But I'm just now getting all the good toys! Nope I refuse! I'll just stay in my first childhood now that it's finally getting good! :p

Personally I'm really looking forward to my second childhood. I hope it's going to be just as much fun as the first one was.:)

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Hey mate get on the mend soon as we all miss you and need you back. I am glad you have found the cause of the issues and are on the right track now.


Senior Member
I've had all kinda of fun with my hands and wrists, but lately it's been more of my knees and ankles. I don't think it matters what chronological age you are, this getting old stuff is hard, but sure beats the alternative.

Hope you're able to find some relief and heal up quick Don.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Good luck Don. Just be careful of anti inflammatories - a sided effect is high blood pressure. I was taking the odd Diclofenac for my psoriatic arthritis and my BP (which had never been a problem) shot up to 175/138. I was a walking stroke.
Do some research before putting stuff in your mouth and I highly recommend seeing a naturopath.
For what is is worth I no longer take medication of any description and my overall health is 100000000 times better.


Senior Member
we miss you mate and hope you get better soon.

PS the rumors of you buying a canon and it burnt your hands was just false then...?:rolleyes::D
we miss you mate and hope you get better soon.

PS the rumors of you buying a canon and it burnt your hands was just false then...?:rolleyes::D

Almost as bad as what happened in my house today. I had a contractor here to give me an estimate on remodeling my bathroom. We went over all the options and before he left he said he needed to take a photo of the room. HE then proceeds to pick up his iPad and shoot the photos. I almost laughed him out of the house. On the way out we passed by my Pelican case with all my gear in it. I opened it up and told them this was a camera.