shutter speed malfunctioning on D5100


Senior Member
I went to take some pictures last night and the shuttle speed was supper slow (over several seconds). I changed to every setting possible, did a factory restore, and still the shuttle would stay open for a long. Long time. I recharged the batteries and still the same results. has anyone ever experienced this, and if so how did you correct it?


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

No sufficient info. Which camera, which lens(es), what mode of shooting (manual, A, P...), AF or MF.......................................................................................?


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

Also, do you get a successful picture? If not , is it overexposed or blurry? Probably best to post a picture here.


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

Did you check to see if the +/- button was set for overexposure?


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

What were you taking a picture of, was it light, dark, indoors outdoors, settings on camera etc etc


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

I tried EVERY setting from A-P, to scenes. still the same slow shutter speed, slow like time lapse. I was using the standard 18-55 lens and even swapped to the 300. When it did take the picture it was very blurry, and at times even black.


Happily retired
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Super Mod
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

I tried EVERY setting from A-P, to scenes. still the same slow shutter speed, slow like time lapse. I was using the standard 18-55 lens and even swapped to the 300. When it did take the picture it was very blurry, and at times even black.

You have to understand that the quantity of light is what affects the shutter speed. When there is not enough light, the shutter speed has to be slower. Since you mentioned that you were trying to take pictures at night, I suspect that you would have to use a tripod with the slow shutter speed to get the picture. Unless your camera is broken... Without seeing a picture you took, it's impossible for us to guess what could have gone wrong. So post a picture, even if it's no good so we can help you a bit more, if that is what you're looking for.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

Also try a picture on Auto, with on-board flash, of a nearby indoor subject. A good picture here most likely indicates your camera is working fine. If it comes out badly, you could have a camera or lens problem.


Staff member
Super Mod
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

Did you look at the +/- button to see if it is set at 0?

As the others mentioned, when shooting at night without flash, either you need to raise your ISO to increase shutter speed or use a tripod and have shutter speeds in excess of 1 second.


Gear Head
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

I tried EVERY setting from A-P, to scenes. still the same slow shutter speed, slow like time lapse. I was using the standard 18-55 lens and even swapped to the 300. When it did take the picture it was very blurry, and at times even black.

These types of posts are so frustrating for us since you provide very few details and your expectation is to figure out what you may be doing wrong. If you set your ISO at 100 or 200 as an example in a low lit area, the camera will try to achieve that ISO based on your settings. A kit lens that is zoomed in will give you a minimum of f5.6. Match that with an ISO 200, will require a slow shutter speed which resulted to blurry images if there is motion or unsteady hands.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

Reminds me of my experience the first time I shot in live view... loooong actuation, lots of blur because I wasn't holding it steady anymore when it decided to make the shoot, etc.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

These types of posts are so frustrating for us since you provide very few details and your expectation is to figure out what you may be doing wrong. If you set your ISO at 100 or 200 as an example in a low lit area, the camera will try to achieve that ISO based on your settings. A kit lens that is zoomed in will give you a minimum of f5.6. Match that with an ISO 200, will require a slow shutter speed which resulted to blurry images if there is motion or unsteady hands.

How is this so frustrating? Did you read my original post? I tried every setting possible including changing the ISO. I have taken several thousand pictures with this camera, in every every setting, and I have never had this problem.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

I went to take some pictures last night and the shuttle speed was supper slow (over several seconds). I changed to every setting possible, did a factory restore, and still the shuttle would stay open for a long. Long time. I recharged the batteries and still the same results. has anyone ever experienced this, and if so how did you correct it?

If you actually tried every possible setting, then the camera has a problem.

Since you posted here, it implies you think perhaps you missed something that someone here may realize. You know everything you tried, but we are only guessing what "every setting possible" means, hence the frustration, because, we really would like to help.

Likely someone can help more once you have a chance to take and post some photos, but until then, the only thing we can do is toss out wild guesses and share your frustration.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

A picture from the start saves a lot of back and forth questions. Its not unusual for us to answer questions from newcomers like "why are my pictures blurry?" If there is no picture, we have to guess... Are they out of focus blurry or was it camera movement blurry? Or it could turn out the the poster actually had grainy pictures but was describing the condition as 'blurry'. All totally different problems and a picture saves a lot of time/questions.

In your case it was important to know if you were getting good pictures, dark pictures, light pictures, blurry pictures or if in some cases you could get good pictures and other times not. None of that info was indicated in your original post. Understandably, you may not know exactly what info would be helpful to us, but a sample supplies a lot of the info right from the start.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

A picture from the start saves a lot of back and forth questions. Its not unusual for us to answer questions from newcomers like "why are my pictures blurry?" If there is no picture, we have to guess... Are they out of focus blurry or was it camera movement blurry? Or it could turn out the the poster actually had grainy pictures but was describing the condition as 'blurry'. All totally different problems and a picture saves a lot of time/questions.

In your case it was important to know if you were getting good pictures, dark pictures, light pictures, blurry pictures or if in some cases you could get good pictures and other times not. None of that info was indicated in your original post. Understandably, you may not know exactly what info would be helpful to us, but a sample supplies a lot of the info right from the start.

I fully understand. I'm so worried that all of a sudden my camera stopped working, and I have a camera problem. I will post pictures when I get off work. I know that I am very much of a novice, but I have taken with this camera some decent shots. As posted below. Just as you said: I was hoping that I was missing something.


Senior Member
Re: Camera is malfunctioning

OK I'm finally home. It looks like there is another thread with the same symptoms as mine (Nikon D5100 problems). Anyway, I took a few shots (below).
On Automatic is wasn't bad but not quite right.
Here is the same shot on "A" f/5.3, ISO 100
Another "S" (but I couldn't change the shutter speed),
Last one on "P" once again couldn't see to make any setting adjustments, and cannot get the Flash to pop up.
I'm afraid that it's a trip to the Camera Repair Shop for this old man.