Roughing It


Senior Member
Normally, I just let winter storm comments slide. Here in my area of western Virginia, we get snow. Sometimes we get a lot of snow. Usually it's here and then gone in a few days. Last Night/Todays storm is no different. What was different is that we lost power for about 15 hours.

Our power went off around 11 last night and didn't come back on until 2 this afternoon. The snow started around 9 last night and it's still falling lightly but only enough to keep things damp. Now we almost never lose power here. I can't explain why but an hour here, 30 minutes there and thats about it. Most folks here suppliment heat with wood stoves or fireplaces. My lung disorder prevents me from doing that, so all I have is our heat pump. It got DAMN cold last night. Even got the dog in bed with us for the extra body heat. After daylight, it was 3 layers of clothes but worse than that, no coffee.

I can really understand what the people in then North East felt during their storm last fall. It sucks not having any communication with the outside world. No Power, No Phone, No TV, No Radio (I can fix that with my next trip to the store). Hell.. My cell phone couldn't even pick up a signal. Needless to say, we were roughing it.

Well Power is on now and the Heat Pump has things back up to 70 and I've had coffee and Life Is Good.

Dakota returning from her morning visit to the various parts of the yard.

I know there's a Weber under there somewhere. I almost dug it out to heat water for tea.

And before you comment, I know that I suck at taking pictures in the snow


Staff member
Super Mod
15 hours without power isn't that bad. After Hurricane Wilma hit, we had no power for 14 DAYS. I know, living in FL it wasn't cold. Our landline did work, but not the cell phones. We did have our gas grill (with a side burner) for cooking. My husband was glad we had an old percolator for coffee. After day 7, we bought a generator.


Senior Member
We are having a storm right now (Boston), maybe I'll get some pics too...

Thank goodness my part of the area hasn't had an outage. Glad to hear you finally got the power back...


Senior Member
It was warm and sunny (in the mid 60's) here today and is supposed to be partly cloudy and 73 here tomorrow. But I can certainly feel your pain when it comes ot lost power. After Hurricane Ivan pounded us relentlessly into the ground, it was 3 weeks before power was restored. And it was in early September, where the daytime highs are still in the upper 80's or low 90's with very high (90%) humidity. In the winter time you can always put on more clothes to stay warm, in summer you can just take off so many before you are down to your birthday suit!
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I don't often "compare scars" with people. One person's hardship could be just a walk in the park for someone else. Glad your life is back to normal.
