Quotes with photos


Staff member
Super Mod
@jdeg, after you finish everything from the server move, would you please consider looking into having all the quoted photos display as photos rather than as Attachment #####. Sometimes I have to go back a page or two to identify the photo that was quoted to understand why some of the replies are made. Other times, the photos display without any problem. I don't know if it has anything to do with whether the photos are uploaded directly here or linked from another site or if it is even possible to fix. Below is a print screen example of what I mean--the quote with the bird photo shows up but the other photo doesn't. This was happening prior to the server move so I don't think that caused the problem.

Thanks for any consideration! ;)

Quoted photos.jpg


Senior Member
If it's one of my replies then I just delete the picture, didn't see a point in having it in ther multiple times. But I see Harks point.


Senior Member
I have always seen second tier images in quotes as attachments rather than pictures -- I thought that was how it worked.


^ broke something
Staff member
Yeah this is a really weird and annoying error. I'm sure I'll get it fixed shortly.

sent from my phone


^ broke something
Staff member
Okay, so I looked into this a little more and apparently this is how things are supposed to work, which I don't necessarily agree with. The reason you're seeing images sometimes is because the ones you are seeing with 'attach' were uploaded to the site. So unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment.

Tip: click on the
icon at the top of the quote to go directly to the post.