Post your low light long exposures


Senior Member
I can't find a thread for this. If there is please correct me.



Senior Member
Thanx Lee532 you are right. I appreciate your comments RON the one you liked is the tail end of the aurora as it faded out over my barn
NIK_9012.jpg NIK_9024.jpg NIK_9033.jpg NIK_9044.jpg

No moon so the only light in the sky was Aurora and stars so was working at 30sec exposures
NIK_9065.jpg NIK_9068.jpg NIK_9072.jpg NIK_9078.jpgNIK_9081.jpg
I prefer a darker look on my night shots so the stars show up well although I wish I'd been able to find my remote and try a couple brighter ones
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Senior Member
I am really partial to the 4th photo. i love all the elements in it. They give it great content.


Senior Member
No light painting used for this one. I had two stadium sized reflectors (aircraft hangars) and the vey light concrete bouncing all the available light.


Senior Member
Night sky over Isle of Palms

f/3.5, 800 ISO, 10 second shutter, 28-300 Tamron lens

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