Post your favorite or best shot you took in 2015.


Senior Member
This is going to be tough for some. For me, this has been my favorite shot ever since I took it, back in July.

Soddy Daisy,TN--2.jpg
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Senior Member
My D5100 sometimes seeks out subjects other than trains. I took this in October, a Camellia Sasanqua in colorful bloom. The image recently appeared in our neighborhood newsletter.

2015-10-18 Camellia Sasanqua - for upload.jpg


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Surprisingly there were still colors on the leaves for the last day in October. I've been back and forth between this photo and another one taken at the same time, but ultimately this is my favorite for the year.



Senior Member
Think its this one,the best in my opinion from my brief FX excursion,i may venture there again but not with so much of my toy fund tied up in it.



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View attachment 192519

This was one of my favorites from our trip to Portland....loved that area and can't wait to go back

This is very nice! :) If you ever go back, I hope you will get a 9-stop or 10-stop ND filter if you don't already have one. It would make the lake appear as smooth as glass. Nice image!

Kevin H

Senior Member
I've got Three that really stand out too me But I have to go with this one taken May 2nd 2015 and a late date for the Owl too be still around these parts



Senior Member
This may not be my best shot technically, but the experience of watching owl nests this year ranks way up there as one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. This mother owl was particularly fascinating to watch. I spent many pleasurable hours trying to get a good shot of her in flight.
