Post your favorite Lightroom presets...


Senior Member
I'm a newbie to this stuff and have no idea what things look like outside of my little world of un-calibrated screens, but here is my basic import for 7200 birds. It is just a starting point. I exported the whole thing but didn't even know how to share it. Sharpening is around 35 and lum(nr) about the same. Tone curve is the only other thing i do at this time and it changes too much to really share; except to say highlights are generally +10-30, lights 0 to neg.30ish, darks vary quite a bit but are mostly positive, and shadows are mostly negative.
Is this kinda what was asked for? It's kinda my favorite starting point right now. :)
View attachment 162214
Often knocking Clarity into a minus can work really well with birds. You don't loose feather imagery (unless you go nuts), and it can improve the background. It also brightens the image, so you don't need as much 'plussage' on the Shadows slider.