Post Your D7200 Photos


Senior Member


New member
1st time posting. 1st shots with D7200 at daughters 1st meet of the season. Last year used D5200. Many more keepers with the D7200. These are just a few from the day.

DSC_4457 (1).jpgDSC_4663 (1).jpgDSC_4666 (1).jpgDSC_4520 (1).jpg


New member
Thanks for the reply. Gymnastics is tough for a hobbyist. The fight against lighting, angles, and proximity makes for a challenging day. For 3 minutes of competition in a 3 hour meet photography has given my a way to enjoy the afternoons even more. And that last one - is the best of the bunch - that one's my daughter. :)


Senior Member
Merry Christmas to all from Australia. On a short holiday at the moment so having fun with the 7200. Please forgive the iPhone pic of me with the Nikon! :cool:

Phillip Island720_3067.jpg

Phillip IslandIMG_1229.jpg

Phillip Island720_3076.jpg


Senior Member
Here in Victoria, I'm having a holiday in Phillip Island. Famous for it's Penguins and Fur Seals. We saw the penguins come in a couple of nights ago and we've just returned from seeing the Australian Fur Seals. Hundreds of them on the rocks in the sea. Very rough, so these are just a few of the 150 or so pics I took. Nice to be able to get so close. I used the Nikon 18-300 lens.

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Aust Fur Seals720_3141.jpg

Aust Fur Seals720_3166.jpg

Aust Fur Seals720_3180.jpg

Aust Fur Seals720_3207.jpg

Aust Fur Seals720_3221.jpg


Senior Member
Got up early this morning and decided to catch the sunrise at one of my favourite places on Dartmoor, Belliver Tor. I took the girls with me as always and off we went, decided to take a slightly different route and was given a pleasant surprise by this lovely visitor, confused the girls though.


JH Foto

Senior Member
Hi there JH Foto. I was just wondering how you shoot those great flower shots with the black background? I noticed that you have an emphatic NO against Image Editing, so I'm intrigued as to the black background. Is the subject in front of a black backdrop? Cheers Brad

Its just Photoshop.........:)