Post your Birds in Flight


Senior Member
Mallard Duck backlit, D500 and Sigma 500mm f4 sport.

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Senior Member
Heading out of town for shopping, had my D7500 on the back seat and came across this pond of water 100m off the road from the recent rain.
Had to stop and take some snaps, wife not impressed as I ended up with mud all over me, such is life.

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Senior Member
It has been a dream of mine to get a owl in flight for a long time. One night a friend found one hunting at a local wildlife management area. The next night I was there. I had heard they hunt there. And spent time there but never even saw one. Well this night it happened. Of course right before it came out clouds covered up the low sun so I lost even more light. My ISO was maxed out and my shutter speed was lower then I liked. But I just watched and fired at times. I would have been happy with just one turning out. Well this one is the best of them at this point. I am going to download a trial of a noise software someone recommended to see what it can do with it. But even though it is not the best short eared owl shot, I wanted to share it anyway. I will be back to this spot hoping to have better lighting.

04122019b-406-2 by Bill Friggle Photography, on Flickr