playing with the z180-600

Patrick M

Senior Member
no wildlife where I live - my cats don't fly without help. Here's a TV antenna on a neighbours house. No processing, the first image is as 360mm then I cropped it 100% or so, then the third is at 1200mm
TBH for a non-S lens, this is pretty pleasing!




Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Thats Firefox, and I see it on Chrome. I suspect Apple wants control of what extensions Safari uses.
Extensions are Browser specific... Did you install the extension to Safari, separately? If you use 5 different browsers, you'll need to install the specific extension for each browser.

Patrick M

Senior Member
Extensions are Browser specific... Did you install the extension to Safari, separately? If you use 5 different browsers, you'll need to install the specific extension for each browser.
its the extension for Safari that I'd like. The Chrome extension works but I don't like chrome - that's personal taste. As I use Safari 100% of the time, then an extension to show exif data makes sense. I have searched but found nothing ... only apps to download to my mac, I dont need an app to see exif data, i have other tools for that... plus, i dont want the hassle of downloading an image ... i just want to see the exif data when i browse a forum.

Patrick M

Senior Member
All I need is an extension, if there is one for Safari.
I know all about the other browsers, so thank you, but I NEED a Safari extension if there is one. I only care about Safari….no other browser nor app, just Safari.
I appreciate the recommendations as you’re trying to help. thanks


Staff member
Super Mod
All I need is an extension, if there is one for Safari.
I know all about the other browsers, so thank you, but I NEED a Safari extension if there is one. I only care about Safari….no other browser nor app, just Safari.
I appreciate the recommendations as you’re trying to help. thanks
Did you try this search - exif safari extension? It displayed some stuff.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Yup... It's gotta go thru the Apple system, and Apple wants their cut$ and it's pretty difficult to monetize a simple EXIF extension to compensate Apple without a supporting package of other software...