Picture seperation


Senior Member
i cannot get a seperation between photos now (see pups pleasure). Also when i check "b" bold - before it would turn blue when checked now not. I have to start typing to make sure text is in bold. And why when i type in certain words they then show up as a link? Any "settings" that i should adjust?


Staff member
Super Mod
Are you using the 'Post Quick Reply' or the 'Go Advanced' option? Sometimes I find the 'Go Advanced' works better for me.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Go in advance mode and try to preview your posts before posting for real. But the editor is sometimes a little fussy...:(


Senior Member
i tried go advanced in cloudscape and birds. I could get a space between photos in birds but when i went to set full size they ended joined again.
I just checked and the last few post you have only had one photo in the post went back to the last one you had two posted in they were separated. I you will give me a link I will check on it for you.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
i tried go advanced in cloudscape and birds. I could get a space between photos in birds but when i went to set full size they ended joined again.

I know I tried to separate some pics last week for someone and just couldn't do it. It happens sometimes... Sorry.


Senior Member
To my eyes, the bold text is more difficult to read than normal. A space in between photos works for me. I up-size my pics, center them and preview in Advanced mode.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
I have had the same issue for months now and it doesn't matter if i use Chrome or Firefox. So I have resorted to either not resizing them and trying to align them or I post one photo per reply. I am not sure what is happening as before there were no issues really.


^ broke something
Staff member
the image dialog (when you double click on an image when posting) is slowly becoming buggy in more browsers. unfortunately the editor that vbulletin uses for this version hasn't been updated in a while and there's not much I can do about it :(

Scott Murray

Senior Member
works quite well though.