Photoshooting in extreme weather


New member
Hi all,

I am new. Just started exploring a nikon D7000 model and a F2.8 24-70mm nikkor lens about 6 months ago. It is a very good camera and i loved it very much. End of the year, i have the opportunity to travel to Harbin for the Ice festival. The temperature is expected to be less -30C. I read from somewhere that i need to bring extra batteries. But what i am really worry here is how the weather can cause permanent damage to my camera and lens. Therefore, i am hoping that forumers here can advise me on how to protect it.

Many thanks~!


Senior Member
No personal experience, but here are links to a couple blogs. My understanding is that the issue in the cold is keeping batteries charged. After that the primary concern is condensation in the camera and lens when transitioning from the cold to warmer environments, which is something you need to protect your equipment from even in moderate cold. The large ziplok bag is the usually recommended solution I've heard for easing transitions.

How to Take Photos in Extreme Cold | PhotographyBLOG

PHOTOGRAPHY101: Photography in Extreme Cold


Senior Member
Camera in a plastic bag, when going from outside to inside, the thing you dont want, are the condensation.

​If you have a card reader, you can take out your card before placing the camera in the bag, this way you dont have to wait to see the images.


Staff member
Super Mod
Since the discussion is on condensation, I have a couple general questions to ask.

1. Is there some type of camera case inserts which would absorb extra condensation if living in a particularly humid environment? Something along the line that musical instruments use in their cases.
2. Is there a recommended level of humidity for electronics? If it is too dry, that can cause electrical shocks when touching certain things.

Thanks--hope I'm not hijacking the thread.