Old Duffer


New member
Hi all, I'm an old duffer thats been messing with cameras since Adam was a lad, but just started to take more interest, I have 3 Nikon DSLR's, D3200, D7200 and more recently D500 (now thats the challenge), looking forward to some discussions in the future, BTW I can spell....its just that I'm not a good shot when typing.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Welcome! Looking forward to some images. You may be the first cattle rustler here. :) Lets not get in to typing or spelling errors. :)


New member
Thanks for the welcome, if this comes out ok....its a photo I edited in Photoshop, it fooled quite a lot of people but not the owner of the estate lake, thats another story, this was taken about 10 years ago (I think).
 18-12 lb.jpg