Nikon Z50 for Bird Photography


Senior Member
If comparing the D7200 verus the Z50 for bird photography, how would perform. In other words would image quality be similar etc. Thanks your time and any info.


Senior Member
Similar, yes. I don't have either camera but I do have a D7500 and a Z6 so my comparison may not be apples to apples. I attach my Sigma C 150-600 to the Z6 using the FTZ adapter with no problems. I do get more reach with the D7500 and that's where that lens stays 90% of the time, but I'm not able to notice any difference other than that. If my D7500 fell in the lake, I wouldn't feel compelled to replace it. I am quite happy with mirrorless from here on out. The biggest difference is probably the EVF vs OVF. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy using the electronic view finder, but I do. Some prefer the optical view finder though and others hate the EVF altogether. Also, the crop Z cameras use the smaller batteries. I like that my D7500 and Z6 (and even my ancient D800) all use the same batteries,(EN-EL15). I would suggest renting one, or at least buy from somewhere you can return it if you don't like it.


Senior Member
I own a Z50 and a D7500. Either camera will do a great job for stationary birds. Birds in flight are more of a challenge with the Z50 in my experience. That is not to say that the Z50 can't handle BIFs - it can. It's just that my keeper rate seems higher with the D7500.


Senior Member
I decided after reading reviews; looking at photos taken & watching videos to stay with DX for now and have ordered a new D7500. I will then send my D7200 in for repair and keep it as a backup body.


Senior Member
Mike is right :cool:



