Nikon F100 power problem


New member

I have a Nikon F100 that has decided to not turn off unless I remove the batteries. I have googled and You tubed high and low looking for instructions on how to repair this problem.

Does anyone know of any resources that explain how to repair a Nikon F100 that will not turn off. I love this camera and would love to keep it going.



Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.

Sorry to hear about you F100 issue. Hopefully some here will be able to help. I also love my F100 but seldom use it now due to cost and availability issues of film and processing.


New member
I have googled and You tubed high and low looking for instructions on how to repair this problem.

Me too... And I sort of only found this post.

Does anyone know of any resources that explain how to repair a Nikon F100 that will not turn off. I love this camera and would love to keep it going.

I am very interested in the real cause. It 'feels' like some capacitive issue. Today my F100 kept turned on for over a minute sometimes, after turning the switch to off.
But I just inserted some fresher Ni-Mh battery's, and it 'almost immediately' turns of (2 seconds, still more than normal but...). ???

Perhaps the system was designed for 'real' 1.5 V batteries back in the days, is a bit picky on that which increased over the last 20-so years...

Kind regards,



Senior Member
being the owner of a F100 I set out to see if there was an answer to your problem. Same results as you but It seems that owners of film cameras of the same era have had similar problems which was identified as a switch problem. Are you using a MB 15 grip?Aside from taking it to an authorizes Nikon dealer, I wish I knew what to tell you. Let us know when you figure it out.


New member
I left a set of good batteries in the F100 and turned it on/of about 3 times a day for the last month. By now the turning-off is again like it was when I acquired this F100 around 2004.

Just for the record: During its life this F100 has been in storage without batteries for quite some time, as the closing hooks of the backplate had broken of.

Kind regards,



New member
Sorry to revive this post from the death, but it is still the only sensible thing popping up when searching the interweb on this problem. I can add some findings to my reply back in 2017.

Today I got fed-up with the problem again, and eventually noticed something.

When putting some pressure on the on-off ring, while turning it to the off-position, suddenly made the behavior 'like it was 1999' again.

Of course moving it by the nob with my index-finger the normal way, puts a fractional lifting-force on the opposite side of the ring. There must be something there, underneath, having to contact something.

I applied the tiniest amount of contact cleaner around the ring, hoping capillary forces would drag it in. This improved things a lot!

Probably there is a sort of hard-coded shut-down procedure in the contact-pattern on the business-end of the on-of switch. And these contacts got dirty and/or the whole assembly got a bit worn down.

I did believe in the 'capacitive cause' of the problem, but now am quite convinced it is electric-mechanical.

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