New to Nikonites


New member
Hi all I own 2 Nikons a D3200 and a D7100. I am a hobbyist with the hopes and will to try and make a living at what I love to do. Namely capture images and share them with others. I know it is an uphill battle. I am new to the D7100 and I am still working out the kinks but I am loving the journey and I look forward to learning more about the camera and it's capabilities.


Senior Member
WELCOME !! Good to hear you are thinking of making a living out of it, it can be done it just needs dedication :)

Looking forward to seeing some of your shots !


New member
Thanks Daz.

I am trying to post a few having a little trouble but I will get a few posted on here. Dedication is not an issue I have the patience of Job! I have a good start I just need to build up a good portfolio.
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Senior Member
Don is the man for posting up photos and he has a great little guide im sure he will post up soon, but as a quick one use the image icon in the toolbar when posting, select file and upload, has to be 10mb or under though, of course you can use FlickR or photobucket etc to link a photo :)


New member
One of my favorites



Senior Member
hello and welcome

best tip is to open yourself a 365 thread and post all your picture in there. Like your sunrise/set?
Welcome to the forum. Sorry I was out doing photo stuff. Went to hear a 40 veteran of the Kodak Corp speak about the history of Kodak and also about the basics of photography. John Dersham is a guy I have known for about a year now and has a very interesting background and shoot 8 X 10 and 5 X 7 cameras along with the standard digital like most of us do.
[h=5]I see that you have been posting already so You figured it out. I will post it anyway so you get the full details that you might have missed otherwise[/h]
Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.
