* New * photos of an old 1960 Stratocaster Photos!


Senior Member
The owner is going to pick this up tomorrow... I'm starting to get a little nervous with it hanging around the house..

The NEW photos of the old 1960 Stratocaster!

Click here for all the photos!


I shoot a lot of guitars, they are fun subjects!


Senior Member
I shot it with my D5000.
25 second exposure
Compensation -1.7
35mm focal length Center weighted AP mode
Focus higher than the middle.
Depth of field is just by the small aperture.
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Senior Member
Wow awesome photos (peeped at them all).

​Amazing how many different photos one can take of a subject few would consider - and that I guess applies to anything.


Senior Member
Nice photos. I know it's going to sound like I'm calling the authenticity of the guitar into question, but that's the cleanest looking chrome I've ever seen on a guitar that old and and with a body that aged and played in. Also the mint green guard doesn't match the back plate. Looks to me like it's either had some stuff replaced, or the body and possibly the neck are original and were salvaged into a working guitar. Still a nice guitar, and no offense to the owner intended.


Senior Member
The Owner tells me the only things replaced were the pickup covers. He can trace the guitar to when it was new. His uncle bought it, then traded it to his other uncle for a tele, then he got it.
There really is not much chrome on it, and to me, what is there looks pretty beat up. I like shiny new ones myself.

What you may be seeing is a lighting effect I call "ghost lighting". It tends to make small imperfections not show up. Before I learned this technique, I spent a lot of time photoshopping dust, scratches, and white dots on the black background out.

Now I seldom have to touch the photos at all.

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Senior Member
That's cool if he can do that. Chrome on the trem looks way cleaner than anything I've seen on a guitar that old that's been played as much as that one appears to have been played. Lighting may have something to do with it, obviously, but the trem plate and jack cup in this photo don't show much if any pitting at all.



Senior Member
Ok, I just met the original owner, the bridge AND jack plate are 100% original. He bought it brand new from the store. And later gave it to his nephew that I did the work for. Some small things have been replaced to keep it playable, but all original parts have been saved down to the rubber pickup adjusters I had to change.

I asked him about the wear on the bridge plate and the jack plate, he said he hardly ever touched those parts, so he could not figure out why they would show that much wear.

He played it in a CW band from the 60's until he gave it to his nephew.
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Senior Member
Here is a iphone shot of the original owner doing his Willie Nelson show with his nephew playing the 1960 Strat.

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