New Nikon 18-300 f/6.3


Senior Member
Was just looking at the new Nikon 18-300 available for pre-order and was wondering if the difference between f/5.6 and f/6.3 was a huge difference between the older model and the new one coming out.


Senior Member
It's a 1/3 of a stop difference. In some circles that's nothing. If I were in the market for this or the old lens I'd wait for information about the IQ and compare to the old. And I'd also see if the older lens went down in price significantly.

Seems like a really handy lens to have around if you walk/travel a bunch.


Senior Member
The most immediate difference is in size and weight; the new version is significantly smaller and substantially lighter.
550g instead of 830g
67mm filter instead of 77mm filter
$900 instead of $1000.

Some of the older cameras may not autofocus beyond f5.6.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info guys. I'm using it with a D5200, bought the kit that came with the 18-55/55-200 lenses. I always find myself swapping the lens out to get the reach that I'm after and sometimes wanting more when using the 55-200 lens. So I figured this would be a perfect lens for me.


Senior Member
Tamron is releasing their 16-300 mm in May in the us. I'm waiting for that one personally, the extra 2 mm at the wide end is quite a lot.

And Tamron really stepped up their game lately.


Senior Member
That 16-300 is looking good so far, thanks for the heads up.

The lens will be on sale in the USA starting May 15, 2014 at a street price of $629.


Senior Member
I have the tamron 18-270 and enjoying it. Have good results with it.
a few photos taken with it


Senior Member
I can tell you that the "old" 18-300mm Nikon is heavy, compared with the Tamron 18-270mm I was carrying, it is a considerable weight to have hanging off your neck for any length of time. If the new model is lighter, there has to be a reason, it is the same quality, etc., etc. The old 18-300 mated with a D7100 takes wonderful photos though, and for that reason alone, I like it, a lot.


Senior Member
Nice. Let us know how you like it Joe. You got the newer f/6.3 one right?

Yes, had the original 5.6 but it was bigger then I wanted when I traveled attached to my wife's d3100. This new one is as small as the 18-200 and a tad lighter(if I read the specs right) I just hope the quality is there. I was surprised that Amazon had it in stock, B&H and Adorama were still taking pre orders.


Senior Member
Autofocus definitely not as fast(as expected) at 300mm 6.3 then my 70-300mm at 300mm 5.6. Tried to shoot some jets at Buckly Air force Base but none were flying when I got there. Shot some airliners but they were too high to save anything worth posting but the 70-300 at least locked on at 300mm every time. The 18-300mm 6.3 only locked on about half the time. Like the new lens for what I bought it for though(daytime all in one lens). I haven't been able to get out to shoot anything other then today. Real Real windy lately in the Denver area.
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Senior Member
Hi All,
I talked to Nikon about this lens today. The gentleman I talked to said he would compare both lenses and send me his findings by email later this week. I will put the results here.


Senior Member
Ok, this is by no means a scientific test. I am probably not the person to be testing any lens but as no one else has posted any test pics I'll give it a shot. I am posting these pics taken on a D7100 transfered to my iphone via eyefi card at original resolution from the camera then uploaded to this site via tapatalk. I'm not sure how tapatalk resizes them for posting. When I get a chance later I will post a link to my flickr account for original size viewing if needed.
All shots were shot at the following:
Aperture priority
Iso 100
Small fine IQ
Focus is on the right stack
First shot of all above is widest aperture lens will allow
Second shot stepped down to f/10













These next two were with my 70-300mm VR at 300mm f/5.6 then f/10 Same conditions a few minuets later.


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