new D7100


Senior Member
Just unwrapped an very early Birthday gift from my wife. yes a Nikon D7100. First impressions? I like it. I like it Now have to start learning over again, "What Fun" Yes I will post some photos, When I have had a Play. PS I wonder if by the time March the 5th comes round she will have forgotten she has already brought me a birthday gift. Now let me think!!!!!!! Another lens maybe? Darling!!!!


Senior Member
Enjoy Phil, I'm sure your going to love it! When you check out Moab Mans images you can see what that baby is capable of. And yes, time to start thinking about that new lens, but don't let the Mrs know I told you so.


Senior Member
Just unwrapped an very early Birthday gift from my wife. yes a Nikon D7100. First impressions? I like it. I like it Now have to start learning over again, "What Fun" Yes I will post some photos, When I have had a Play. PS I wonder if by the time March the 5th comes round she will have forgotten she has already brought me a birthday gift. Now let me think!!!!!!! Another lens maybe? Darling!!!!

Hahaha... dont push your luck! :) Congrats! I upgraded 6 months ago (5100-7100) and I love it! Kept my 5100 as a backup and still use it but love the 7100. Yes, a bit of learning curve but I suspect you will really like it once you learn all the buttons.. Nice to chge settings without going into a menu!

Pat in NH


Staff member
Super Mod
Happy early birthday. Enjoy your new toy Phil. Big learning curve. Lots of buttons, most I remember when I'm home, but most I don't when out and about!!


Senior Member
Nice, Phil. Congrats - on both the camera and the keeper. I've got one too. She remembers, but wouln't complain if I gifted myself the lens. :)