New D7100 owner with multiple exposure issue. Needs advice on what is wrong.


Senior Member
Hi, my name is Frank. I have been a hobbyist photographer for almost 40 years. I recently sold my D90 to upgrade to the D7100. My favorite shooting subjects are my 6 grandchildren. I love taking continuous action shots of the kids in their sports endeavors. Yesterday, when I used the D7100 to shoot my youngest grandson batting at little league I came up with some very unusual shots. Instead of getting several shots of him swinging the bat @ the ball, I ended up with single shots with MULTIPLE exposures...........and I don't know why!! I never had that problem with the D90, but didn't have all the new settings the 7100 has.

multiple exposure.jpg

My settings were: Shutter priority mode, Ch, APS-C, 6-shots per actuation, auto ISO, auto WB, and a shutter speed of 1/640. If anyone can tell me what I did wrong...............or if the camera is broken...........I would appreciate it immensely. The next grandchild's soccer match is this Sunday. Thanks for looking, and drop me a line anytime.

AxeMan - Rick S.

Senior Member
Check this setting:

Menu button
Second icon on the far left (looks like a camera) click the ok button
Look for Multiple Exposure (should be off)

If it is on then that is why you're getting photos like this.


Senior Member
Hi, my name is Frank. I have been a hobbyist photographer for almost 40 years. I recently sold my D90 to upgrade to the D7100. My favorite shooting subjects are my 6 grandchildren. I love taking continuous action shots of the kids in their sports endeavors. Yesterday, when I used the D7100 to shoot my youngest grandson batting at little league I came up with some very unusual shots. Instead of getting several shots of him swinging the bat @ the ball, I ended up with single shots with MULTIPLE exposures...........and I don't know why!! I never had that problem with the D90, but didn't have all the new settings the 7100 has.

multiple exposure.jpg

My settings were: Shutter priority mode, Ch, Multiple Exposure OFF, APS-C, 6-shots per actuation, auto ISO, auto WB, and a shutter speed of 1/640. I used my Nikon 70-300mm lens just like I did with the D90. If anyone can tell me what I did wrong...............or if the camera is broken...........I would appreciate it immensely. The next grandchild's soccer match is this Sunday. Thanks for looking, and drop me a line anytime.


Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
The only other suggestion I can come up with would be to do a two-button reset, see your manual or Google how to do this if you need. After doing the reset put your camera in Shutter priority mode -- but don't change anything else -- and test the camera for proper function. If the camera still malfunctions it may be time to call in a professional.

If everything goes well, you can assume pilot error. From here, begin making ONE adjustment at a time, making sure you know what you're doing each step of the way, and testing for proper function as you go.

Good luck!



Senior Member
Someone else asked earlier... Are all your shots like this? If they are, then I have no idea. If this was the only one, I still vote for multiple exposure was on. I think on d7100 it can be set to stay on or just for one time use. If it was set for one time use, it would be off when you went to check it. I don't have a d7100 though so I can't say for sure.


Senior Member
ALL the shots that I tried to take in "continuous" mode are like that one. I double-checked, the Multiple Exposure is OFF and was Off. Thanks for replying.

Someone else asked earlier... Are all your shots like this? If they are, then I have no idea. If this was the only one, I still vote for multiple exposure was on. I think on d7100 it can be set to stay on or just for one time use. If it was set for one time use, it would be off when you went to check it. I don't have a d7100 though so I can't say for sure.

Nathan Lanni

Senior Member
ALL the shots that I tried to take in "continuous" mode are like that one. I double-checked, the Multiple Exposure is OFF and was Off. Thanks for replying.
Unless it was a data file recording error, seems like multiple exposures setting is the issue.


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Senior Member
maybe you no mup at the camera ? at the left of the camera there is roller that maybe aimed to MUP (mirror up)
sorry for my english


Senior Member
try to reset the menus maybe before take a picture check it cuz i just took multiple exposure and after you taking multiple exposure the mode turn off him self

try again and before you taking the photo check the mode


Senior Member
Hi friends, my D7100 just took another turn for the worse. I solved the multiple exposure issue by only shooting in JPEG......though it breaks my heart. Then, yesterday, I squeezed the shutter half-way and noticed something unusual in the viewfinder. "r28" error. Besides that, there was no beep when I pulled the shot, and the normal black circle (focus acquired) in the viewfinder became opposing arrowheads. So I looked in the manual, and it states that the opposing arrowheads means that there is an auto-focus problem. I tried different lenses, shooting programs (even AUTO........heaven forbid) and no resolution. I called the camera shop and a new one is going to be here tomorrow, and the other is going back. If anyone has any input about this problem, I would really appreciate it......especially the "r28" error code. Thanks for taking the time to look at my post.

Hi, my name is Frank. I have been a hobbyist photographer for almost 40 years. I recently sold my D90 to upgrade to the D7100. My favorite shooting subjects are my 6 grandchildren. I love taking continuous action shots of the kids in their sports endeavors. Yesterday, when I used the D7100 to shoot my youngest grandson batting at little league I came up with some very unusual shots. Instead of getting several shots of him swinging the bat @ the ball, I ended up with single shots with MULTIPLE exposures...........and I don't know why!! I never had that problem with the D90, but didn't have all the new settings the 7100 has.

View attachment 41236

My settings were: Shutter priority mode, Ch, APS-C, 6-shots per actuation, auto ISO, auto WB, and a shutter speed of 1/640. If anyone can tell me what I did wrong...............or if the camera is broken...........I would appreciate it immensely. The next grandchild's soccer match is this Sunday. Thanks for looking, and drop me a line anytime.