New Camera Dilemma

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I always recommend getting the camera in your hands if possible before making a decision. I would be looking at the mirrorless cameras as well if I were purchasing now.
How often do you go shooting?


Senior Member
Hi I have a 7100 and 750 from Panamoz , no problems dealing with them and no problems with the cameras , you pay your money and take the chance the saving is a considerable amount


New member
Yeah I would have liked to do that, but unfortunately where I live (Aberdeen) I am not aware of any shops where you can get hands on gear other than John Lewis and they did not have any of the models I was looking at.

However I had a change of heart and decided to stick with my current gear and I have ordered a D7500. I chickened out of ordering a new system :) but I am just happy to finally have made a decision and over time I will look to upgrade my glass which will hopefully be nice and cheap as everyone else moves to z mounts! 😂


Senior Member
Yeah I would have liked to do that, but unfortunately where I live (Aberdeen) I am not aware of any shops where you can get hands on gear other than John Lewis and they did not have any of the models I was looking at.

However I had a change of heart and decided to stick with my current gear and I have ordered a D7500. I chickened out of ordering a new system :) but I am just happy to finally have made a decision and over time I will look to upgrade my glass which will hopefully be nice and cheap as everyone else moves to z mounts! 

Ime sure you will enjoy it


New member
Cameras, like computers, come in various models and have a wide price range. If you do not want to overpay for webcam functions, you need to look at the review or read the recommendations before buying. I ordered an asmr camera for myself last week. In your case, the best option would be a device with a CCD matrix. Their main advantage is that they provide a minimum noise level. Also, the sensitivity of the matrix indicates the level of illumination necessary for high-quality shooting.
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Senior Member
Cameras, like computers, come in various models and have a wide price range. If you do not want to overpay for webcam functions, you need to look at the review or read the recommendations before buying. I ordered an asmr camera for myself last week. In your case, the best option would be a device with a CCD matrix. Their main advantage is that they provide a minimum noise level. Also, the sensitivity of the matrix indicates the level of illumination necessary for high-quality shooting.

Thanks, Marilynne. They do keep trying, don't they.....

And to think I almost sent the Welcome aboard bit.