I have and use the Nikon 10-24mm and I love it. It is sharp, relatively fast, and super versatile. It does a fantastic job of color rendering too. It is not cheap, but good lenses never are. I picked mine up on B&H as an open box model for a few hundred cheaper than list.
I was in the same spot Elliot. Read some reviews and borrowed a 10mm prime and realized I wanted that extra mm. Also liked a lot of Michael Jaeger' landscapes. That hooked me.An ultra wide for my D7100 is the next lens I need to get. I've always assumed I'd get the tokina 11-16mm having heard so many positive things but it seems that the Sigma 10-20mm is a similar price. That extra 1mm and 4mm respectively could be over more benefit than the wider aperture of the tokina, considering most shots would be stopped down.
Interested to hear more thoughts on these and other UW options.
And yes, 10mm is necessary, at times
I've always been leery of second party lens so I went with the Nikon 10-24mm and been pleased with it's performance.
And yes, 10mm is necessary, at times
View attachment 209613
Cheers, Don