Needa's Shoddy Shots


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Challenge Team
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Senior Member
Challenge Team
​so it was you who woke me at 8 pm last nite.

Not I. My neighborhood sounds like a war zone for the 4th and New Years. That wasn't all that was there either. Guess we know how they spent their stimulus money. :(


Senior Member
Not I. My neighborhood sounds like a war zone for the 4th and New Years. That wasn't all that was there either. Guess we know how they spent their stimulus money. :(

Thirty five years ago I moved to the deep south from Chicago, I was surprised to hear fireworks on New Year's Eve. I'd never encountered such a thing before. I then recalled that it's often bitter cold in Chicago and most people are sensibly inside on New Year's Eve.

My neighborhood is like yours Needa, with people routinely lighting off their fireworks arsenals starting on 12/29 and sporadically progressing each night through 01/03 and beyond. :confused: It is good however to see 2020 go away in a series of blasts.


Senior Member
Not I. My neighborhood sounds like a war zone for the 4th and New Years. That wasn't all that was there either. Guess we know how they spent their stimulus money. :(

It was quiet this year at my house... It rained, which cut down on the fire works, and Ammo prices/shortages cut down on the gun fire.

We do not have a lot of neighbors, but the two closest enjoy noisemakers of all kinds. I am thankful for the distance.