My first photo critique post :)


Senior Member
In my patio, wanted to capture:
- a nice bokeh with the yellow leaves
- only part of the web in focus


  • DSC_1010.jpg
    720 KB · Views: 242


Hello there.

A pretty nice photo overall. good lighting, bokeh is pleasing, background looks very good. For me, I find the foreground of the web and more so the spider more distracting than anything. The spider's web in the foreground is just so-so in terms of what it adds to the overall image but the spider itself is not defined enough (just looks like a dark blob) and it's smack in the middle of the frame. Like I said, overall, pretty good job - the background looks great but the foreground needs work.

Of course, just my opinion. I'm sure you and others will have their own thoughts.


Snow White
I agree with James. You seem to have two pictures here with conflicting points of interest. I would try reworking this in post-processing by trying to bring out the web a little more and perhaps cropping out the spider . . . i do love the bokeh.


Senior Member
wow...three opinions with the same thoughts on the overall picture! How cool is that! :) I, too, would shop out the spider, and highlight the web a bit more, giving the shot a much better "look" to it. :)


Contre jour and OOF background at the same time! That is sort of cool.

Magic hour lighting is superb no matter what happens with the picture...