MrF's Image Thread


Senior Member
Back in the USA!

Got back to the US yesterday! As a welcome home present to myself, I ordered an SB-700 and a Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 lens that I'm looking forward to getting. Working on getting everything packed for a move to the east coast right now, but when I get a chance I'll get some photos up from the last few months. It's good to be home!


Senior Member
Here are a couple that I finished up on deployment last year, but didn't have the internet connection to post:
The first one is the Dragon Hotel in Bahrain. I just did some minor cropping to remove a distracting piece of a swimming pool in the foreground.


Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

And the second is one from a trip to Yosemite right before I left. It was a pretty bland shot until I worked on the contrast in the sky and clouds a bit.


Senior Member
Finally got a time to work on a couple more. The first one is just some clouds in the NAG:
ISO 200, 1/500, f/6.3 at 23mm with a circular polarizer. A little work in post to bring out more contrast and saturation in the sky.


Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

This one was taken in Rota, Spain at the Hotel Playa de la Luz (apparently translates to "Light Beach" and I can see why). A rainstorm was clearing and the sun was setting and it was pretty much perfect. I did a little work in post with contrast, and highlights, but not much.
ISO 200, 1/400, f/8 at 18mm.


Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

Thanks, Ron! Using the standard upload worked just fine. Here's one more:
View attachment 22789
Taken at Kamala Beach in Thailand in October this year. ISO 200, 1/2500, f/5 at 18mm. Taken through the tinted glass of the van I was in at the time as we drove past. I had just enough time to process the thought "wow, that's beautiful," grab my camera, and take the shot before it was blocked by trees again.

Such a long journey you've been on. Hope it was good.

Great pictures, but this one - try not to get the horizont in the middle of the picture (Rule of Thirds).


Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

Such a long journey you've been on. Hope it was good.

Great pictures, but this one - try not to get the horizont in the middle of the picture (Rule of Thirds).

Thanks! It was good, but it's better to be home. Thanks for the critique on the Thailand photo. It's a good example of the need to take time to think and compose before taking a photo. I was in a van, and pretty much just had time to turn the camera on a take the shot before the view was lost behind trees again.


Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

Thanks! It was good, but it's better to be home. Thanks for the critique on the Thailand photo. It's a good example of the need to take time to think and compose before taking a photo. I was in a van, and pretty much just had time to turn the camera on a take the shot before the view was lost behind trees again.

I do it myself, sometimes. All those rules, lol. Sometimes its maybe just about capturing the moment..



Senior Member
Re: Back in the USA!

There is lots of space in your photos. I bet you shoot with wide angles. (duh now I see the info) :)

Now that you mention that, I'm going to have to do some digging around and see what I have that's actually normal or narrower.

Welcome home and thank you for your service!

Thanks, Marilynne!

I do it myself, sometimes. All those rules, lol. Sometimes its maybe just about capturing the moment..

Yep, although it'll be nice when I get to the point where I can compose fast enough to do both. Haha.