Made a major switch...


Senior Member
Hi Billy, welcome to the forum.

The D7100 is a great camera, I love mine and use it with the 105VR often, very good combination.


Senior Member
I know the feeling.

Having owned a canon 550D, 650D for a good while and being told by most friends that canon is best and the only option in photography, imagine my surprise when I tried a nikon D5300 and immediately jumped ship to nikon. Two months on and the D5300 had gone and was replaced with a D7100.

I appreciate my D7100 is a different class to the 550D and 650D but having played with higher class canons I can see there's no comparison. Nikon is certainly the better option for me.

Most people I know still shoot canon and they can't understand my move to nikon. I guess it's whatever makes you happy, but I agree with the OP, the image quality from nikon is awesome.


Senior Member
Welcome to both of you!

I'll echo what everyone else is saying - the D7100 is a fantastic camera having owned mine for nearly two months now (1100 actuations!) I chose Nikon as my brother shoots weddings with D700's, and I get first dibs on his old kit when he upgrades - Also, when I was first thinking of jumping from smart phone photography to DSLR's, I borrowed my mum battered old D70s for a month.

Billy D

Senior Member
After a few weeks with the new D7100 I'm still being blown away by the IQ of this kit. The wife has been using my old Canon kit and yesterday, on a short road trip (approx. 300 miles) she grabs my new Nikon and starts firing. Will have to post a few later after work. But the Buffalo (Bison) and the tobacco barn she took were really nice. Well have been debating on saving the 1100$ USD for the new Tamron 150-600 or the Nikon 80-400 for all the wildlife we see. But now I may have to save up for either a D5300 or another D7100 for the Missus. I've created a Nikon Monster! LoL

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Billy D

Senior Member
Well figured I post a couple from our Sunday drive. Coulda drove to Florida in that many hours! LoL Like I was saying though, the photos straight from the D7100 without PPing are amazing. Then give em a bit of LR or CS6 and watch out! :D Here are a few for your approval.

1 and 2) The Buffalo herd at Land Between the Lakes close to Dover Tennessee. These guys were a ways off. The 55-300 had all it could handle on these shots. I have to admit that the 55-300 isn't quite as sharp as I would have hoped for, unlike the 18-140 which is Tack Sharp, but I will say that I'm more pleased with it than I ever was with my Canon 100-400 L Zoom.

3) A Dragonfly at the Bisons watering pond at LBL.

4) Two windows down, 75 MPH on the northern return leg of our outing, and the wife grabs the D7100 for the first time. A bit of vibrance and saturation and straightening and voila', something I would print. I've created a photo-enthusiast.

LBL Bison 2.jpg

LBL Bison.jpg


Tobacco-Barn-in-Blooming-Field (1).jpg


Senior Member
Welcome to the Nikon world. I did the switch from Canon to Nikon about three months ago and I never looked back. D7100 is a fantastic piece of kit, but you need to match it with a good quality lens to get out all of what it offers.


Senior Member
If your wife likes the D7100 don't get her the D5300.

I went from the D5300 to the D7100 and I could never go back. I suspect your wife would feel the same.


Senior Member
Depends on how your wife uses the camera and her level of expertise. If she shoots the d7100 on auto and likes the results then a lower class camera in the 5000 or even 3000 series may suit her needs perfectly. What you save you can invest in glass. This week i got a d3100 for my wife even though we generally use a d7000 and she is thrilled. Light , functional and produces outstanding pics, and not loaded with tons on functions she will never use.


Senior Member
Welcome Billy! I'm fairly new here too and have learned a lot from these great people. And also, welcome to the Nikon club....Get some great glass...That 105 2.8 you're looking at is an amazing lens!


Senior Member
If your wife likes the D7100 don't get her the D5300.

I went from the D5300 to the D7100 and I could never go back. I suspect your wife would feel the same.

Curious since I'm contemplating the same move, why did you do it? That question can also be read as ... "help my justify why I need to move too". :)

Steve B

Senior Member
Well Mikew, always been my belief that the family that shoots together...decided that my wife might enjoy my hobby with me so I loaded up the Nikon bag that came with my new kit with my old Canon 20D and its gear and introduced my greatest love with my passion. Hey, if you gotta have a mistress then I'd say photography is a safe one for the wife to know about! Well at least till she see's the bills from B&H for new glass that is! ;) But having my wife onboard will make it nice. She moved from Ireland, so I have a captive tour guide to lead me around. Her family resides in Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and England. And I've got the states covered so it should make for some great photog books. LoL Again thanks for the kind comments guys, the wife is amazed.

Welcome Billy. If you have a problem with the wife when it comes to the B&H bills have her call my wife. After that conversation she will consider herself lucky. :) What part of Ireland? I have a sister that lives on the west coast.

Billy D

Senior Member
She's from Sligo/Ballymote area but lived and worked in Drumquin for over 13 years before moving here with me.
I've used Canon equipment since I was a freshman in high school. But was always impressed with the quality of the images I viewed from photogs using Nikon equipment. When I handled the D7100 for the first time I knew that it was built for me. Basically that's the only reason for the change.

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