Looking for advice for trip to Yellowstone

Calgary 617

New member
Hope this is the right place for this, if not, mods please put it where it belongs.

I live in Calgary and often travel to Waterton Lakes NP which is right at the Montana border. Now I recently discovered that Yellowstone NP is just about an 8hr drive South and I plan to go down there for photography. My main interest is landscapes and what ever wildlife I see.

I did read a few books and info about good places to watch for grizzlies, but I'm lacking some info on the landscape places to be. Could anybody recommend some spots that are places you need to go as a photographer? I don't plan on inventing the wheel and look for secret locations, I have no problem with taking pictures of places that have been photographed a million times as long as the light is nice.

Any suggestions for links, maps or books would be appreciated!


New member
I would suggest calling the park warden for Yellowstone NP and ask them. They know who to call for conservation interests if they do not know the answer themselves.


Senior Member
Hello Calgary 617,

I can offer you information about Yellowstone as we live 6 hours away and have spent lots of days there over the years. Alot depends on when you want to go, early and late is the best to avoid people. early is best for bears and babies of all the other animals. This year winter is dragging on and it sounds like there is still lots of snow. If you want to photograph animals a 500mm lens is the best option, I used a Sigma 150-500mm for two seasons with good results, with a heavy tripod, gimbal head and cable release. Also please check this website as this is the one I follow for updates on what is happening in Yellowstone posted by other photographers. (forums.yellowstone.net) I am working 12 hour shifts this week and will be leaving for Arizona on Friday, won't be back until the following Wednesday. If you email me at ([email protected]) and put Yellowstone in the subject line I can share more detailed info.

Hope this helps,

Ken In Wyoming


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Calgary 617

New member
Hello Ken,

thanks a lot for your reply! We don't know yet when we will head South, I just want to be prepared and look for info so that once we'll go I'm well prepared.
I am well prepared for wildlife if it comes to equipment and patience. I was just wondering if there are some scenic places that I should visit.

If people come here to Calgary and go to Banff there are some places that you get told you HAVE to see, like Lake Louise, Moraine Lake and other famous spots that got photographed million times before. So thanks for the link to the website, I will go and check it out.


Senior Member
I will get into deeper details at a later time, there are alot of special places we have enjoyed over the years and I can make suggestions, also Grand Teton Park has its share of attractions that should not be overlooked. This a photo of one of the Moulton Barns along Mormon Row just north of Jackson Hole.

Ken In Wyoming


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Calgary 617

New member
Thanks! If you should ever come up North, I'll be more than happy to help you in return!

I am amazed by your wolf shots, were those captured animals or wild ones? Saw my first one in February for about 30 seconds and then it was gone, most shots were bum shots of it walking away :)


Senior Member
All the pictures are of animals in the wild. The single wolf is not that great of picture...slow shutter speeds in early am hours, it turned out a little soft as it was moving abit. If you look there is an elk laying in the water as it took it down during the night, we watched the elk struggle in the water the night before as it had been attacked and was hurt pretty bad. Last year was an awesome spring in Yellowstone, we saw lots of Bears and Wolfs. We made two trips last spring, April 16th-25th and May15th -30th. All these pictures were taken with my old D80.

Ken in Wyoming

Calgary 617

New member
Like I said, amazing shots! The first one with the grizzly and the dead buffalo, boy, what an experience that must have been.
Guess I should more concentrate on wildlife and worry about scenic landscapes when I see them.


Senior Member
The barn shot is a panoramic stitch, I would have to look for sure, but I think it was around 15 source shots and stitched with a program called PTGui (ptgui.com). Lens was a 18-135mm on a tripod.


Joseph Bautsch

New member
Really great shots Kamper. I've been to Yellowstone four times, but I live in Atlanta and it's not an easy trip. Great advice in finding and getting wild life shots. That's been my experience as well. Last time I was there was in early May. The rangers had closed a number of areas because of the intrusion of bears. They are best shot at a distance with a long lens. They can be very dangerous especially when just coming out of hibernation with cubs. My avatar is grizzly shot I was lucky enough to get on that May trip.
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Senior Member
Here are a few more panoramics from last year.

Two are of Grand Prismatic Pool in Yellowstone which is a favorite on mine, one shot is from the broad walk and the other from the Fairy Falls Trail.

The mountain shot is the Tetons Range north of Jackson Hole.

The sun set was taken along the Madison River in Yellowstone after a thunder head went through.

Ken in Wyoming.


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Senior Member
Here are few photos from Grand Teton Park. Alot of folks will zip right through Teton Park and head to Yellowstone, missing a wealth of photo opportunities. There are also alot of animals in Teton Park, Bison, Moose, Bears, Elk, and Antelope to start.

Hope you enjoy,

Ken in Wyoming


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Senior Member
Ops, the Buffalo stampede is in Yellowstone..
BTW the Grizzly Bear has a radio collar and has ear tags for tracking purposes. The Park service tracks certain bears for study information. These were taken with a Sigma 150-500mm and are cropped pretty hard. This bear is a female (Sow) and crossed right in front of our vehicle. These were taken in April 16th-24th last spring 2010.

Ken in Wyoming

Calgary 617

New member
That was a story, I wish that would have been me! Being that close to a grizzly charging at full speed must be the best experience of a lifetime...as long as it's not charging you :D


Senior Member
Local news says they are still having trouble getting roads opened into the park. Sylvan Pass reopening delayed by snow slides | KTVQ.com | Q2 | Billings, Montana

I was just west of the park this week in Island Park, Idaho and up in higher elevations it is that ugly time of year still when the snow is dirty looking and melting and grass is still brown. As much snow as they had in the park this year I would bet that it may be late June before things really get nice.


Senior Member
If you are not able to see or photograph any bears in Yellowstone, there is a park called Yellowstone Bear World about 90 miles south of West Yellowstone on Highway 20 that may have opportunities for photographing animals, ie. deer, elk, bison etc. Check their web site www.yellowstonebearworld.com The park is about 2-3 miles of Rexburg, Idaho.